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Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.简朴的服装适合上学时穿。The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。I looked down at the seemingly endless expanse of green of the Serengeti Plain.我低头俯视塞伦盖蒂平原那看来宽广无垠的一片绿色。The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.装甲兵正在索尔兹伯里平原上训练。Everyone's using bold colors to decorate their homes. Plain white walls just don't cut it anymore. 大家都在使用醒目的颜色装饰房间,纯白色的墙已经不再受欢迎。Plain old mashed potatoes take on a new life in this recipe.普通的老式土豆泥在这个食谱中得到了创新。 |