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例句 The growing population is placing increasing demands on our schools. 人口的增长要求学校应对不断增加的入学需求。The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN.法国提出将外交工作交由联合国处理的想法。Please squash all aluminum cans flat before placing them in the bin.请把铝罐都压扁后再放进垃圾箱。We tried selling our house by placing an ad in the newspaper.我们尝试在报纸上登广告卖我们的房子。Increasing demand is placing undue strain on services.需求不断增加对服务造成过大的压力。It is no easy task placing sculpture in this cluttered and busy environment.在这个拥挤不堪的地方放置雕塑可不是件容易的事。He argues that placing too many requirements on schools devalues the education they provide.他认为对学校施加过多要求会降低它们所提供教育的价值。Customers were placing more importance on quality than simply on cost.顾客越来越重视质量,而不仅仅是看重价格了。You can ripen the fruit by placing it in a paper bag and storing it at room temperature for a few days.你把水果放入纸袋,置于室温数天后,就可以使其成熟。I have overcome this problem by placing a sheet of polythene over the top of the container.我在容器上盖了一片聚乙烯塑料薄膜,解决了这个问题。She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother.她似乎把大部分责任都推到了母亲身上。The carer will have to do all the work: placing the patient on the seat, strapping him in, taking him off again at the top.护工将要全程照顾:将病人抱到座位上,替他系好安全带,到顶层后再将他抱下来。The French floated the idea of placing the work in the hands of the UN.法国人提议把这项工作交给联合国。The high level of the pound is placing exporters at a serious disadvantage.英镑居高不下的汇率水平使出口商们处境非常不利。The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.机灵的人会把卡片放到座位上占座。We're placing you under arrest.我们要逮捕你。He is responsible for placing innocent lives in jeopardy.他要为使那些无辜的生命受到威胁而承担责任。




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