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词汇 pits
例句 It was a better community then when all the pits were working.所有的煤矿都在开工的那个时候,这个社区的情况要更好一些。The boy had pits on his face.这个男孩脸上有痘痕。These pits in my skin are from when I had chickenpox.我皮肤上的痘瘢是我出水痘时留下的。Gangs of soldiers were digging pits and filling sandbags.一队队士兵在挖壕沟、装沙袋。The driver stopped in the pits to refuel.车手在检修站停车加油。Most boys in the town worked in the pits.镇上的大多数男孩在矿井里工作。Mansell came into the pits, overshot, and reversed.曼塞尔驱车来到赛道旁的检修加油站,开过了头,又倒了回来。I usually like her movies, but her most recent one is really the pits! 她的电影通常我都喜欢看,但最近这部真是糟糕!Mary threw two olive pits at him.玛丽朝他扔了两个橄榄核。They extract the mineral from open pits.他们在露天矿里开采矿物。The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl.砾石采掘坑已进行了景观美化并种上了草木,希望能吸引野禽的到来。The hotel we stayed in was the pits!我们住的宾馆实在太糟糕了!The boys dug pits and baited them.男孩们挖了坑,在里面放了诱饵。Valuable seconds were wasted while Schumacher's car was stuck in the pits.舒马赫的车陷在了坑里,宝贵的时间一秒一秒地被浪费掉了。His skin was full of pits.他的皮肤上到处都是麻子。He moved quickly into the pits and climbed rapidly out of the car.他迅速进入检修加油站,飞快地爬出赛车。The narration often falls into pits of pomposity and pretentiousness.讲述常常会落入浮华夸大、矫揉造作的窠臼。You caught the flu on your birthday? That's the pits! 你生日当天得了流感?那太糟了!Mansell had to pull into the pits for a wheel change.曼塞尔不得不把车驶向维修区换轮胎。Having to work on Saturday night is the pits.星期六晚上还得工作真是糟糕透顶。The car detoured round the bomb pits.汽车绕过了弹坑。The company refused to pay – I think it's the pits.那家公司拒绝付款,我认为这太恶劣了。The car had to detour round pits.汽车得绕过坑坑洼洼。Peaches, plums, and olives all contain pits.桃子、李子和橄榄都有果核。The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey.男孩们挖了坑,埋了饵,这样他们就可以刺杀猎物了。The coal-mining industry wants new pits to be opened.煤矿业需要开凿新的矿井。The car's door was covered with pits and scratches.车门上满是凹坑和擦痕。This rainy weather is the absolute pits. 下雨天真烦人。I'm trying to avoid all these pits in the road.我在设法躲避路上的这些坑。The water will be pumped up from chalk pits.白垩矿坑中的水将会被抽干。




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