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词汇 piss
例句 I had just moved to the city and didn't have a pot to piss in.我刚搬到城里,穷得叮当响。For me this was just a piss-take, a real joke.对我来说,这只是个玩笑,真的是为了逗乐而已。He never helps with the housework and it's starting to piss me off.他从不帮着做家务,这开始让我恼火了。Dad thinks it's okay if we drink the piss at home and then go out.爸爸觉得我们在家喝完啤酒再出去没什么问题。I didn't mean it - I was only taking the piss.我不是那个意思—我只是开开玩笑。He kept taking the piss out of Mike because he liked dancing.因为迈克喜欢跳舞,他一直拿这件事取笑他。The show takes the piss out of virtually everyone, from politicians to eco-warriors.这个节目差不多把每个人都嘲讽了—从政治家到环保勇士一个不漏。He did a piss-poor job.他干得非常糟糕。We had a good piss-up on my birthday.我生日那天我们痛饮了一番。Doesn't it piss you off the way your husband sits in front of the TV every night while you cook dinner?这样你不气恼吗,每天晚上都是你丈夫坐着看电视,你来做晚饭?Any help we can offer them will be appreciated. They don't have a pot to piss in.他们会非常感谢我们提供的任何帮助,他们穷得实在是叮当响!A stream of piss ran out from under the door.一股尿从门下流出。Directing? It's a piece of piss.当导演?小事一桩。He took the piss out of me about my tattoo.他嘲笑我的文身。He's had a big night out on the piss.他外出暴饮度过了一个疯狂的夜晚。This is your last chance to win the league so don't piss it away.这是你们赢得联赛的最后一次机会,别浪费了。Why don't you piss off? 你为什么不走开?She didn't come all this way just to piss about.她大老远到这儿来并不是只为了混日子。They're always taking the piss out of him because he's a Barry Manilow fan.他们总是取笑他,因为他是巴里‧马尼洛的狂热崇拜者。Shut up, Bernie, before you really start to piss me off.闭嘴,伯尼,你真烦死我了。Let's go, mate. It's going to piss down any minute.老兄,走吧!随时都会大雨倾盆。All the local beers were piss-poor imitations.当地生产的啤酒都是低劣的仿制品。The Nerd looked like he was going to piss his pants.那呆子看上去好像要尿裤子了。The entire phenomenon is a mighty piss-take by a couple of prankster conceptual artists.这整个现象是由几个搞恶作剧的概念派艺术家开的大玩笑。He was fully clothed and covered in puke and piss.他浑身都是污物。We were full of piss and vinegar back then.我们之后又重新充满了活力。I've got to take a piss.我得解小便。He told me I'd won and I thought it was just a piss-take.他告诉我我赢了,我以为只是个恶作剧。Why don't you just piss off - you've caused enough problems already!你为什么不滚开呢——你惹的麻烦已经够多了!The kids always take the piss out of some teachers.孩子们总是拿某些老师寻开心。The place smelled like cat piss.这个地方闻着有猫尿味。You can't go out on the piss every night.你不能每天晚上都出去狂饮。The record is a piss-take of people who have a high opinion of themselves.那张唱片是对自视甚高者的嘲弄模仿。




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