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词汇 pipelines
例句 They coated the water pipelines with a corrosive-resisting dope.他们给水管涂上了防腐蚀油脂。The pipelines, which carry oil across Alaska, are designed to withstand extremely low temperatures.横越阿拉斯加的输油管被设计成能够经受极低的气温。The oil pipelines were deeply buried.输油管深埋在地下。The terrorists laid mines near the pipelines.恐怖分子们在管道附近埋了炸药。Before pipelines can be built, developers must acquire rights of way along miles of private and public lands.在敷设管道前,开发商们必须先取得横贯公私土地许多英里的管道用地。An intriguing variant to pipelines would be to carry the water using the existing system of canals.除用管道外,利用现有的运河系统来输送水也很值得一试。They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.他们要建立一个油泵和管线的网络输送石油。Electricity cables and oil pipelines mar many of the world's most beautiful landscapes.电缆和输油管破坏了世界上许多优美的风景。




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