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词汇 pickup
例句 He joined the team as a free agent pickup last summer.去年夏天他作为自由球员转会加入了这支球队。There's a pickup attached to it.还附带一只电唱机。That pretty girl looks like a possible pickup.那位漂亮的女孩好像可以把得上。Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。Then I hear the pickup coming back.然后我听见那辆皮卡开了回来。The fee pays for garbage/trash pickup.这是收运垃圾的费用。He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck.他在一辆皮卡货车后面停了下来。He hitched our pickup to his trailer.他把我们的小卡车挂在他的拖车上。He tried using one of his pickup lines on her, but it didn't work.他试图用他惯用的搭讪伎俩去勾搭她,但没成功。They saw a pickup in business during the last quarter.他们上季度的业务量有所增长。It was a pickup baseball game.那是一场临时拼凑的棒球比赛。It is a pickup orchestra.它是一支临时性管弦乐队。Several of our stores have reported a pickup in orders.我们有几家店报告说订单有所增加。He cussed me out for crashing his pickup truck.他对我破口大骂,因为我撞毁了他的小货车。The survey showed a pickup in corporate confidence.调查表明团体的信心有所增强。The taxi driver said I was the first pickup that he'd had all evening.出租车司机说整个晚上我是他的第一个乘客。There was a pickup waiting for her.有一辆货车在等她。Her truck is a very large pickup which she drives at hair-raising speeds.她开一辆大货,开起来时速度快得吓人。The company had pickup points in most cities.公司在大多数城市都有接取点。The school bus was late for its afternoon pickup.学校班车下午接送时晚点了。He drives a pickup/motorcycle.他开一辆小卡车/骑一辆摩托车。What's the pickup scene like in this city?这个城市的猎艳场所怎么样?The brisk pickup of business in abortion industry has greatly alarmed many people.堕胎行当的生意兴隆使许多人大为震惊。Is this order for pickup or delivery? 这份订单是您来取货还是我们寄送给您?The truck is scheduled to make a pickup today.这辆卡车负责今天的提货。Mr Binks had said that we might borrow his pickup truck.宾克斯先生说我们可以借用他的轻型货车。That lucky guy is a choice pickup for the girls.那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想把上的人。We put out our recycling for pickup on Tuesdays.我们在星期二把可回收物品放至室外等待收拣。He plays with pickup bands at nightclubs.他和临时组成的乐队在夜总会演出。The car corners well and has good pickup. 这辆车转弯和加速性能良好。The basketball courts bustled with pickup games.临时拼凑起来的多场比赛在篮球场上热闹地进行着。Police believe the gunmen got away in a white Ford pickup.警方认为这些持枪歹徒是开着一辆白色的福特皮卡逃走的。




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