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例句 I can pick out a simple tune on the piano, but that's about it.我能用钢琴弹奏简单的曲调,但仅此而已。Listen to the interview again and pick out the bits you want to use in the article.再听一遍采访,选出你想用在文章里的内容。I've been picked out to represent the team.我被选中代表整个团队。Both men were picked out from an identity parade by witnesses.两名男子都被证人从一排嫌疑犯里辨认了出来。I have picked out the bad potatoes from the basket.我已从篮子里把烂土豆拣出来了。The ceiling was richly gilt and picked out in violet.天花板金碧辉煌,衬托着紫蓝色。He picked out a limpet, roughened and grained like old bark on the outside.他挑出了一个帽贝,表面疙疙瘩瘩的,就像老树皮一样粗糙。You can pick out a liar by the nervous way they act.从其紧张的行为中你就可以认出说谎者。The bright hall light picks out every blond hair, every hollow and fold.明亮的厅灯照亮了每一缕金发和每一处凹陷与褶皱。His untrained ear could not pick out the wrong notes.由于没经过练耳,他分辨不出错误的音符。He was picked out as the best player.他被选为最佳运动员。His name was picked out in gold lettering.用了金色字母,他的名字显得很醒目。All the important sentences in the article were picked out in red lines.文章中的所有重要句子均划有红线,使其突出。My headlights finally picked out a road sign.我的车前灯终于照见了一个路牌。I picked out a black suit.我挑了一套黑色西装。Are there any questions that can help pick out a drug addict?有没有任何问题可以帮助认出吸毒者?At once I picked out my elder brother in the crowd.我立刻在人群中认出我大哥来。The name is picked out in gold letters over the shop front.店面上方的店名被醒目地刷成了金色。He was picked out by eyewitnesses as the driver of the car.他被目击者认出就是这辆汽车的司机。Let me pick out some good ones for you.让我来替你挑几个好的。She picked out a ring with diamonds and emeralds.她选了一只带钻石和绿宝石的戒指。The name is picked out in gold letters over the shop-front.店面上方的招牌醒目地刷成了金色大字。I have been picked out to represent the whole team.我被选出来代表全队。Pete's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.皮特的火把映出了鲍勃和张的模糊身影。He sat at the piano and picked out a simple tune.他坐在钢琴边,慢慢弹出一支简单的曲子。I could just pick out some letters carved into the stone.我只能依稀辨认出石头上刻的一些字母。It was hard to pick out faces he knew in the crowd.他很难从人群中把他认识的面孔认出来。The banisters were replastered with decorated mouldings picked out in gold.楼梯的扶手用醒目的金色线条重新装饰了一遍。We picked out the bad strawberries.我们把烂草莓挑了出去。His story was picked out as the best by the judges.他的小说被评委们评为第一名。I have to pick out its meaning with the help of an English translation.我必须借助英文的译文才把意义弄明白。No one was able to pick out the originals from the copies.没人能把原件与复印件区别开来。A woman in the crowd was picked out by a spotlight.聚光灯照在了人群中的一位妇女身上。It took him an hour to pick out what to wear.他花了一个小时才挑选出要穿的衣服。We're going to Andreas's Boutique to pick out something original for both of us.我们要去安德烈亚斯礼品店为我们俩挑选一些新奇玩意儿。I'm going for a job the Labour picked out for me.我正在争取一份由劳工介绍所为我选定的工作。He looked through the tourist guide and picked out a few exhibitions to see while he was in town.他查看了旅游指南,选了几个展览,打算去城里时看。I could pick out the pattern against the background.我能辨认出背景中的图案。She looked at the photograph and immediately picked out the face of her old friend.她看着照片,马上就认出了老朋友的面孔。The yellow coat makes her easier to pick out in a crowd.黄色的大衣使她在人群中变得非常显眼。




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