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词汇 pick
例句 She has to leave early and pick up her kids at school.她不得不早点离开,去学校接她的孩子们。They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.他们指望游客会好心地把垃圾捡起来。Tonight we'll be bringing you the pick of today's games.今晚我们将带给你们今天比赛的精华部分。You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually sort of fuzzy.汽车上的收音机可以收到一大堆电台,但声音通常都会有些干扰。I'll pick up the tickets on my way home from work.下班回家的路上我去拿票。Please, pick the rubbish up off the ground.请捡起掉在地上的垃圾。I'd like to pick up the last speaker on one of the points she made.我想针对上一位发言者的一个论点提问。Since you're going to be in the area anyway, you can pick up the order for me.既然你要到那里去,你可以把我订的货顺便取回来。It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour.这不是你半个小时就能学会的小窍门。Please pick your clothes up off the floor.请把你的衣服从地板上捡起来。He knew a lot about baseball, and about how to pick great players.他对棒球懂得很多,也知道怎样挑选优秀的选手。I'm here to pick up my tickets - I reserved them by phone yesterday in the name of Tremin.我来取票——昨天我打电话来用特雷敏的名字订的。These days, I can afford to pick and choose.这些日子,我还能够挑三拣四。Listen to the interview again and pick out the bits you want to use in the article.再听一遍采访,选出你想用在文章里的内容。I'll have to pick my moment before telling my wife.我得选个合适的时机将这件事告诉我妻子。Come on Bob, pick up! I know you're there.行了鲍勃,接电话吧!我知道你在。When you prearrange your funeral, you can pick your own flowers and music.如果预先准备自己的葬礼,就能选择自己喜欢的鲜花和音乐。It took him an hour to pick out what to wear.他花了一个小时才挑选出要穿的衣服。She used to go to bars to pick up men.她以前常去酒吧勾搭男人。The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。Can you pick me up from the party tonight, Dad?爸,今天晚上聚会后你能不能接我回家?They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.他们被迫听白噪声,例如在调电台时可能听到的那种静电噪声。People are waiting to pick up the bus.人们等着搭乘公共汽车。He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.他现在的心情明显是逮谁就想跟谁吵。He feels the team can pick up and improve on where they left off last season.他觉得这支队伍能重整旗鼓,在成绩上比上个赛季有所提高。You have to pick up after yourself if you make a mess.你搞砸了就得自己收拾残局。She offered to pick up the tab. for the meal.她提出这顿饭由她埋单。It's an absolutely instinctive reaction. If a child falls, you pick it up.这完全是本能的反应。如果孩子摔倒了,你会把他扶起来。He gave us a pick-up.他让我们搭了个便车。Nick hollered for her to pick up her orders.尼克大声喊她来取餐。You can expect political analysts to pick apart the governor's speech.你看吧,政治分析家们会猛烈抨击这位州长的演说的。She just dropped by to pick up her mail.她只是顺便过来取她的邮件。I went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing.我去接电话,但已经不响了。It's a great opportunity to pick up a car on the cheap.这是一个买便宜车的好机会。She had a taxi pick her up at the airport and take her to the hotel.她叫了一辆出租车把她从机场送到了酒店。If we want to finish on time, we're going to have to pick up the pace.要想按时完成任务,我们得加快速度了。Hi, I've come to pick up a suit I left on Tuesday.嗨,我来拿星期二留在这里的外套。She rushes to pick up the baby as soon as it starts to cry.婴儿刚一哭,她就奔过去把它抱了起来。I asked him when he'd be back to pick me up.我问他什么时候回来接我。It's easy to pick holes in her argument.找她论据中的漏洞很容易。




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