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词汇 pianist
例句 He made his debut as a pianist at the age of six.他六岁时第一次登台演奏钢琴。The pianist accompanied her singing.钢琴家为她的歌唱伴奏。The singer didn't come in on beat, so the pianist started the song over.歌手没有跟上拍子唱,所以钢琴师又从头弹奏这支歌。The pianist gave an electric performance.钢琴家的表演令人兴奋不已。She had long, slender expressive hands, like a concert pianist.她有一双修长、富有表现力的手,就像音乐会上的钢琴家。He's a great pianist and goes to the jazz club whenever he's in the mood to play.他是个著名的钢琴家,每当想要演出时他就去那家爵士俱乐部。She claims to be a good pianist.她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。That class increased her accomplishments as a pianist.那个培训班增长了她作为钢琴师的技艺。Parker's solo on "A Night in Tunisia" was so amazing that the pianist backing him simply stopped playing.帕克的独奏《突尼斯之夜》实在是太精彩了,以至于为他伴奏的钢琴手干脆停了下来。This pianist made his bow and sat down to play.钢琴家向听众行礼致意,然后坐下演奏。He's a brilliant pianist known for his recordings of Bach, in particular his recording of the Goldberg Variations.他是个才华横溢的钢琴演奏家,因录制巴赫乐曲,特别是《哥德堡变奏曲》而闻名。The pianist performed with subtlety and passion.这位钢琴家的演奏技法细腻并且充满激情。The pianist concluded the recital with a Chopin étude.钢琴家以肖邦的一支练习曲结束独奏会。Lacking a pianist, I had to sing solo.没有人用钢琴伴奏,我只好独自歌唱。We complimented the pianist on his performance.我们称赞这位钢琴家的精彩演奏。Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.演奏钢琴的戴夫将这支曲子反复弹了两三遍。Despite a few wrong notes, the pianist gave a generally good performance.除弹错几个音外,这位钢琴演奏者的表演总体上不错。The pianist has a wide repertoire.这位钢琴家能演奏许多曲目。The pianist played a piece by Chopin.钢琴家演奏了一曲萧邦的作品。The pianist's performance lacked authority.这位钢琴家的演奏缺乏熟练技巧。The pianist has a bias in favour of Chopin.这位钢琴家偏爱萧邦。We were impressed by the pianist's wonderful execution.这位钢琴家高超的技艺给我们留下了深刻的印象。The pianist's phrasing of Bach is beautifully clear.那位钢琴家对巴赫作品的分句处理十分清晰动听。The pianist gave a lacklustre performance.这位钢琴家的演奏并不精彩。The pianist's fingers ran effortlessly over the keys.那钢琴家的手指在琴键上轻松自如地弹奏。Peter is a classically trained pianist.彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。I make no claim to be a brilliant pianist, but I can play a few tunes.我不敢自夸钢琴弹得出色,不过能弹几首曲子。Howard is a talented pianist.霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。This website is an excellent beginning point for any pianist.这个网站对任何弹钢琴的人都是一个非常好的入门。She is by way of being a fine pianist.她也算是优秀钢琴家。The pianist stood up and bowed to the audience.钢琴家站起来向观众鞠躬。Becoming a concert pianist means practicing a lot. 成为一名能在音乐会上演奏的钢琴家,需要大量的练习。The audience encored the pianist.听众要求那钢琴家再奏一曲。He is a pianist who also plays guitar.他是个钢琴家,还会弹吉他。The audience clapped the pianist heartily.听众热情地为钢琴演奏者鼓掌。Holland would never dare cast himself as a virtuoso pianist.赫兰德永远都不敢称自己为钢琴大师。He would be a good pianist if he had more confidence.他只要增强自信便会成为优秀的钢琴家。He is a talented pianist and sometime teacher of music. 他是一位有天赋的钢琴家,有时也当音乐老师。She's a talented pianist.她是位很有天分的钢琴家。That young pianist was the discovery of a famous conductor.那年轻的钢琴家是一位著名乐队指挥发现的人才。




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