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词汇 phones
例句 The use of mobile phones has increased enormously over the past two years.手机的使用过去两年来在急剧增加。The teacher confiscated all cell phones for the duration of the field trip.实地考察期间,老师没收了所有学生的手机。Intel and Sony also will codevelop future applications for bringing other PC-based multimedia content to mobile phones.英特尔和索尼两家公司还将共同开发新的应用程序,将其他基于个人计算机的多媒体内容移植到移动电话上。The use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the aircraft.飞机内禁止使用手机。Cellular phones are inherently insecure, as anyone can listen to and record conversations.手机天生就不安全,因为任何人都可以听到并录下谈话。In the newsroom, reporters answer phones and click away at their computers.在新闻编辑室里,记者们或是在打电话或是忙碌地在计算机前敲打键盘。He made the calls from different pay phones around the city to throw the police off the scent.他使用市里不同的公用电话,使警察没法追踪。Please switch off all mobile phones.请关掉所有手机。A team of volunteers are manning the phones.有一个志愿者小组在接听电话。We request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off for the duration of the performance.我们要求演出期间关掉所有的手机和传呼机。Some mobile phones are equipped with selfie functions.有些手机有自拍的功能。The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the phones.这家健康门诊依靠志愿者来负责办公室的日常工作和接听电话。I have a real problem with people who use their mobile phones on the train.我对那些在火车上打手机的人非常反感。The phones in the room rang in chorus.房间里的几部电话同时响了起来。Many new cell phones are capable of connecting to the Internet.许多新型移动电话都可连接到互联网。Some people, nervous about the health scare over cellular phones, have started using hands-free apparatus.有些人对手机不利于健康心存恐惧,开始使用免提装置。Almost all the new smart phones coming out of the factories have the water-resistant function.几乎现在出厂的新手机都有防水功能。We'll tap into all the phones at the bowling alley.我们将有权使用保龄球场的所有电话。As expected, there were dozens of cellular phones on display.一如所料,陈列着许许多多手机。Mobile phones have now become fashion accessories for schoolkids and teenagers.手机现已成为学生和青少年的时装配饰了。The use of cell phones is banned in the restaurant.餐厅内禁用移动电话。If anyone phones, please tell them I'm out.假如有人打电话来,请告诉他我不在。It is important to recall that not very long ago cell phones did not exist.重要的是要记得,不久前还没有手机。The company says that the dangers of driving while using cell phones have been overstated.该公司称,开车时打手机的危险被夸大了。She still phones me every so often.她偶尔还给我打打电话。The hearing-impaired say digital phones interfere with hearing aids.听觉障碍者反映数字电话会对助听器造成干扰。Most phones will automatically tune to the strongest network signal.大多数电话会自动调整到最强的网络信号。When the DJ announced a contest, the phones lit up. 电台节目主持人宣布比赛开始后,电话就都亮灯了。If anyone phones, tell them I'll be back later.如果有人打电话来,就告诉说我过一会儿就回来。The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden during take-off and landing.飞机在起飞和降落时严格禁止使用手机。The phones are getting smaller and smaller.电话越变越小。It's just a sign of the times that many children have mobile phones.许多孩子都有手机,这只是个时代特征。Would passengers please turn off their mobile phones before the commencement of the flight.请乘客们在飞机起飞前关闭手机。The resulting offspring of that marriage is Nokia's lumia line of phones.诺基亚非凡系列手机便是两家公司联姻的结晶。The phones of important officials were tapped.政府要员们的电话遭到窃听。In one instance, several people had their phones stolen.有一次好几个人的手机都被偷了。Later we realized our phones had been tapped and the police knew everything.后来我们意识到电话被窃听了,警方已得知一切。The company is developing games to play on mobile phones.这家公司正在开发可在手机上玩的游戏。This is the last word in wireless phones.这是最新款的无绳电话。The technology allows data to be transmitted by cellular phones.这种技术使数据可以通过移动电话传输。




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