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词汇 pet
例句 I put the pet carrier in the car.我把宠物箱放在了车里。When we move I'd like to get a pet, preferably a dog.我们搬家的时候我想养只宠物,最好是一条狗。She identified the dog as her lost pet.她认出这条狗是她丢失的宠物。Don't try to pet the parrot - he could give you a really nasty bite.别去抚弄鹦鹉,它可能会狠狠地咬你一口。It's all right, pet, let me do it.没事儿,宝贝儿,让我来吧。Betsy is his pet name for his car.他给自己的汽车起了个爱称叫贝齐。By his own account, Huggins was a teacher's pet whose life revolved around his schoolwork.哈金斯自己说他当时是老师的宠儿,生活内容就是围绕着学业转。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables.有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。Yes, I remember Janine. She lived in that house on the corner, and she had a pet rabbit.对,我记得贾宁。她住在街角的那幢房子里,养了一只宠物兔。We have to match up the right pet with the right owner.我们必须给每个宠物配上合适的主人。She bundled Daisy into her pet carrier.她把黛西放入宠物篮。Once he gets onto his pet subject there's no stopping him.一旦谈起自己喜爱的话题,他就滔滔不绝。Training pet animals is somewhat akin to training children.驯养宠畜与教育孩子有些相像。As a toddler, he was attacked and injured by the family's pet dog.在他还是个学步儿童的时候,他被家里的宠物狗袭击受伤了。It's perfectly natural to grieve for the loss of a pet.因为失去宠物而感到悲痛是完全正常的。Young couples pet in the back of parked cars.在停着的汽车的后座上,年轻男女相互抚摸调情。The wedding became her pet project, and she spent hours organizing it.婚礼成了她特别倾心的事项,她花了很长时间进行准备。A dull-witted man was Haig 's pet aversion .黑格最讨厌反应迟钝的人。He's feeling sad because his pet died.他因为宠物死了而伤心难过。It's heartbreaking to lose a pet.丢失宠物是件让人伤心的事。Some people will buy a pet on impulse without any idea of what is involved.有些人会因一时冲动买只宠物,而根本不去想这意味着什么。This has long been my pet peeve.这是长期以来令我最为烦恼的事。He addressed her by her pet name.他用她的暱称称呼她。It was a pet name he had for his father.那是他对他父亲的昵称。What's the matter, pet? 怎么了,亲爱的?After dinner she told me a tall story about her pet.晚饭后,她给我讲了一个听上去有些荒诞的故事,是关于她的宠物的。I have a pet monkey which attempts to mock all my actions.我养了一只猴子当宠物,牠试图模仿我所有的动作。Children can feel real grief at the loss of a pet.小孩子会为失去宠物而十分悲伤。He keeps a pet snake that he lavishes with affection.他养了一条宠物蛇,对它关爱备至。Housework is his pet aversion.他最讨厌做家务。We looked at all the cats in the pet store and finally decided on a little black-and-white one.我们看了宠物店里所有的猫,最后选定一只黑白相间的小猫。Once you have chosen a kennel, don't forget to make a booking for your pet.一旦你选好了养狗场,别忘了为你的宠物预订。He works as a clerk in a local pet store.他在当地一家宠物店当店员。This store sells pet food.这商店出售宠物食品。One of my biggest pet peeves is people driving too slowly on the highway.我最厌烦的事情之一就是在公路上遇到别人开慢车。The president had to put aside some pet programs to deal with a crisis.总统必须把一些喜爱的事暂放一边而先去处理紧急事件。The cat suddenly lashed out at me when I tried to pet it.我试着去摸摸那只猫,它却突然猛扑向我。Mother loved us all, but David was her pet.母亲爱我们每一个人,但大卫是她的宠儿。The bachelor lived alone in a flat with his pet dog.那个单身汉带着他的爱犬独自住在一套公寓中。The example is chosen solely for its aptness in illustrating the current pet theory of the critic.选择这个例子仅仅是因为它能说明这位评论家目前最钟爱的理论。




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