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词汇 pessimism
例句 There was a general atmosphere of pessimism after the euphoria of last year.去年一阵狂喜过后出现了普遍的悲观气氛。The article reflects the pessimism of its author.这篇文章反映出作者的悲观情绪。Perhaps her pessimism is misplaced.也许她的悲观是没有根据的。It led to the cynicism and profound pessimism about human nature.那导致了对于人性的怀疑和极度的悲观。They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism.他们试图在自负与过分悲观之间选择一条中间路线。Although the economy shows signs of improving, a sense of pessimism remains.尽管经济有增长的迹象,但悲观情绪仍然存在。An underlying pessimism infuses all her novels.她所有的小说中都暗含着一种悲观主义情绪。There is deep pessimism about the future.对未来存在着极度悲观的情绪。Your pessimism is unjustified.你的悲观是没有根据的。The trouble with his pessimism is that it depressed everyone else as well.他的悲观情绪所造成的问题是别人也跟着感到沮丧。He has a tendency towards pessimism.他有悲观的倾向。There were good grounds for pessimism about future progress.对将来的发展持悲观态度是有充分依据的。The mood of voters has oscillated between optimism and pessimism.投票者的情绪在乐观和悲观之间反复。There has been oscillation between optimism and pessimism among voters.投票的人一直在乐观与悲观之间反复。He veered between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.他时而极度乐观,时而悲观绝望。He expressed his pessimism about politics and politicians. 他对政治和从政者表示悲观失望。The pessimism did not seem to intrude on her holiday mood.悲观主义似乎并没有影响她度假的情绪。Arthur Schopenhauer, known as the `philosopher of pessimism'.亚瑟·叔本华,公认的悲观主义哲学家。He warned against the dangers of undue pessimism.他警告说,持不必要的悲观态度是危险的。Optimism was gradually taking the place of pessimism.情绪正逐渐由悲观向乐观转变。My first reaction was one of deep pessimism.我的第一反应是一种极度的悲观。She has expressed pessimism over the outcome of the trial. 她对审判结果表示悲观。




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