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词汇 personally
例句 You must not take my remarks about your plan personally.你不可把我对你那份计划的批评看作是对你的人身攻击。I do not personally subscribe to this idea.我个人并不赞成这个想法。Don't take everything so personally. It was only a joke.不要老是觉得什么事都是针对你。这只是个笑话而已。The President wrote to us personally to thank us for our hard work.总统亲自写信来感谢我们勤奋工作。We thought we'd pay you a visit, as we would like to thank you personally for all your help.我们想要来拜访您,因为我们想当面感谢您对我们的帮助。Given the nature of this matter, I am inclined to think it should be managed by you personally.考虑到这件事的性质,我想还是你亲自处理比较合适。No I don't know him personally, he's a friend of a friend.不,我本人并不认识他,他是我一个朋友的朋友。I think it's going to cause chaos personally but never mind.我个人认为它会引起混乱,但是先别管了。It would be unjust for him to bear personally the great expenses involved.这么大的花费要他一个人承担就不公平了。I personally think it's too cold to go out.我个人认为太冷了不能出去。Don't take it personally; she's rude to everyone.不要认为这是针对你而不高兴,她对谁都很无礼。I didn't take his rebuff too personally, since I was used to his habit of being rude to his juniors.他的拒绝我不大在意,因为我已经习惯了他对下属总是很无礼。I personally think it's a rotten idea.我个人觉得这个主意非常糟糕。Anna took it personally when the boss said some people were not working hard enough.老板说有些人工作不够卖力,安娜觉得那是在针对她。Try not to take it personally when your child will not go to sleep.尽量不要把孩子不肯上床睡觉看作是你的错。First, take a look at what you personally can do to advance your career.首先,想一想你自己可以做些什么来进一步发展你的事业。The author of the book had not personally met with the publishers before its publication.该书作者在此书出版前并未亲自与出版商见过面。But if I can interrupt, Joe, I don't think anybody here is personally blaming the Germans.但是请允许我打断一下,乔,我认为在场的任何人都没有谴责德国人的意思。People can write to me personally if they so desire.任何人都可以给我个人写信,如果他们想写的话。Brief him personally. Put everything in context for him.你亲自把情况向他介绍一下,把来龙去脉给他说清楚。You will be held personally responsible for any losses or damages.任何遗失或损害都由你个人承担。She got him on the phone to sound him out personally.她打电话给他,亲自向他探询意见。I'd just like to mention that, personally, I don't think it's wise.我只是想说,就我个人而言,我认为这并不明智。She personally replied to my letter.她亲自回复了我的信。I personally have never been to New York.我自己从来没去过纽约。The president is personally committed to this legislation.总统亲自参与推动这项立法。He was personally responsible for all that the people had suffered under his rule.他个人要为他统治时人民所受的一切苦难负责。I have personally never done such a complete turnaround in my opinion of a person.我个人在对人的评价上从没有过如此彻底的转变。You'll deal with it personally? Good.你将亲自处理这件事吗?太好了。All important work is personally approved by him.所有重要的工作都由他亲自批准。She's a very popular author, although personally I find her books rather boring.她是个非常受欢迎的作家,但我个人觉得她的书非常无聊。The player was personally criticized by his coach.这名运动员受到教练个别批评。You can disagree about them, and I personally do, but they are great ideas that have made people think.你可以不同意这些看法,我个人也不同意。但它们的确是引发人们思考的好想法。The Commander in Chief visited the island personally, and took steps toward strengthening the defense facilities and fortification.司令亲自登上该岛,采取措施加强防御设施和工事。Well, you weren't expecting him to reply personally, were you?哟,你不会是期待他亲自答复你吧 ?I've personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is superior to the other.我个人从来都不同意性别有优劣之分的观点。I personally guarantee total and immediate support in all measures undertaken.对于所采取的一切措施,我个人保证将给予全面而及时的支持。The director will introduce the film personally at its premiere.导演将在这部影片的全球首映式上亲自推介该片。The volume had been personally inscribed by the author.这部书上有作者的亲笔题词。I didn't mean it as a put-down but I could tell from her response that she took my criticism personally.我无意贬低她,但从她的反应来看,她生气了。




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