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词汇 person
例句 I'm sure she's the ideal person for the job.我确信她是这个职位的理想人选。Maggie stopped the first person she saw and asked them the way to the hospital.玛吉叫住她看到的第一个人,问去医院的路怎么走。He felt he was a non-person within the company.他感觉自己在公司里是一个无足轻重的小人物。I'm not surprised you've had problems with Diane. She's not the easiest person to work with, is she?你跟黛安娜合不来这不奇怪。她这人很难共事,是吧?He's the single person that can help us.他是唯一能帮助我们的人。This little man was hardly the kind of person you'd expect to be in charge of an international gun-smuggling scheme.你根本想象不到这个矮小的男人原来操控着跨国枪支走私活动,他实在不像那种人。Am I right in thinking you're the only person in the club who's actually played at Wembley?我想你是这个俱乐部中唯一一个真正在温布利打过比赛的人,对吗?The absence of septum pellucidum in a person's brain is indicative of congenital malformation.人的脑中若少了透明隔片就显示此人的脑部有天生的不健全。He felt like a new person after a nap.午睡之后他觉得精神大振。The right person for the job will balance vision with pragmatism.胜任这个工作的人将以务实的方法来平衡愿景。Mrs Keane is a comfortable, homely person.基恩太太平易近人,喜爱天伦之乐。The verb needs to be in the third person singular.该动词必须采用第三人称单数形式。The police theorized that the same person was responsible for both murders.警方从理论上证明了两起谋杀案是同一人所为。I was selling drugs, but I didn't think I was a bad person.我是在卖毒品,但我不认为自己是个坏人。He is the kind of person who digs jokes.他是那种善于领会笑话含义的人。He was an easy person to talk to.和他谈话很轻松。The students were assigned to write a theme on the person they admired most.学生们要以自己最钦佩的人为主题写一篇作文。Often physical appearance is indicative of how a person feels.一个人的外表常能反映出他的感受。He was normally a very even-tempered person.他通常是个性情很平和的人。The person I wanted to speak to wasn't available, so the operator put my call on hold.我要找的那个人暂时不在,接线员叫我等一下。Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured.从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。He is an amoral, selfish person pursuing his own goals.他是个不讲道德、自私自利、只顾追求自己目标的人。I explained that each person has different ideas of what freedom is.我解释说,每个人对于自由是什么都有不同的观点。They've filed a missing person report with the police. 他们已向警方提交了一份失踪人员报告。I wanted to come round and say thank you in person.我要过来当面向你道谢。The first person to solve the riddle wins a candy bar.第一个猜得谜底的人可以得到一个糖棒。Mary's the last person you'd expect to be stopped for drunk driving你怎么也想不到玛丽会因为酒后驾车而被警察拦住。She is a very independent person.她是个很有主见的人。The contest offered a cash reward to the first person who could breed a blue rose.这项赛事给最先培育出蓝玫瑰的人提供现金奖励。When an important person like Mrs Grundy speaks, people take notice.像葛兰地夫人这样的重要人士开口说话时,大家还是会注意听的。Ron may not be the most pleasant person to work with, but that's no justification to fire him.罗恩也许不是个让人感到愉快的同事,但这也不能成为辞退他的理由。I'm a changeable sort of person.我是性情多变的人。Please remove this young person from my office.请把这小子撵出办公室。She was a bright, cheery person who always lived life to the full.她是个开朗快乐的人,每一天都过得很充实。She's a very private person.她是个很孤僻的人。Deep down he's really a very thoughtful person.事实上他确实是一个考虑非常周到的人。I'm all for gender equality, but I think the most qualified person should get the job.我完全支持男女平等,但我认为最具备所有条件的人应该得到这个工作。He was attracted by her fortune, not her person.吸引他的不是她的人品,而是她的财产。She explained it in terms which any reasonably well-informed person could understand.她用一些任何有一定知识面的人都能听懂的术语来解释它。The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids.患者应该避食固体食物,多摄入流食。




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