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词汇 persist
例句 The cold weather is set to persist throughout the week.寒冷天气很可能将持续整个星期。There are many areas where the problems of poverty and unemployment still persist.在很多地方,贫困和失业的问题依然存在。If symptoms persist for more than a few days, see a doctor.如果症状持续多日,就得去看医生。It is safe to predict that this trend will persist.可以有把握地预测,这一趋势将继续下去。Take two tablets every four hours. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.这药每四小时服用两片。如果症状仍然持续,就去请教医生。If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.如果你继续烦她,我就只好惩罚你了。If adverse weather conditions persist, the game will be cancelled.如果恶劣的天气持续下去,比赛将取消。When I set my mind to something, I persist.一旦我下定决心做什么事,我就会坚持不懈。If you persist with this behavior, you will be punished.如果你一定要这么做,将会受到惩罚。He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace.他敦促美国继续努力推进和平进程。See your doctor if the symptoms persist.如果这种症状持续的话就去看医生。If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.如果症状持续的话,马上咨询医生。Drought conditions continue to persist from Maine to Georgia.从缅因州到佐治亚州旱情仍在继续。Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?.为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量?Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist.即使在今天这个时代,这些陈旧的观念依然存在。If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.如果症状持续,就去看医生。Please consult your dentist or hygienist if gum problems persist.如果牙龈问题持续存在,请咨询牙科医生或牙科保健员。Must you persist in making that noise?难道你非得要继续制造那种噪声吗?Alcohol and tobacco consumption by young people is especially worrisome because habits formed early are likely to persist.年轻人的吸烟饮酒问题特别令人担心,因为那些早期形成的习惯很可能持续下去。Environmental pressures encourage genes with certain mutations to persist and others to die out.环境的影响使发生了某些突变的基因存活下来,另一些则消亡了。This situation cannot be allowed to persist.不能容许这种情形持续下去了。Rumors persist that they are dating.不断有传言说他们在约会。Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.斯特劳先生向那些坚持进行暴力活动的人发出了严正警告。If the symptoms persist, see your doctor.如果症状一直持续,就要去看医生。If you persist in it, you are likely to tread on their toes.如果你坚持这一点就很可能要得罪他们。Despite official denials, the rumours still persist.尽管官方予以否认,但谣言仍未平息。Why do you persist in writing these things?你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢? If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.如果症状未见缓解,请咨询医生。Existential questions requiring religious answers still persist.需要从宗教角度解答的关于人类存在的问题依然存留。If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.如果症状持续存在,一定要去看医生。




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