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例句 Only once in his life had Douglas permitted himself to lose control of his emotions.道格拉斯一生中只有一次情绪失控。He was not permitted to serve on the jury.他未被允许做陪审团成员。No loading or unloading at all will be permitted at important intersections and other pinch points.在重要的十字路口和其他拥挤地点决不允许装卸货物。The driver had more than the permitted level of alcohol in his blood.这位司机血液中的酒精含量超标。The use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the aircraft.飞机内禁止使用手机。He had more than the permitted level of alcohol in his blood.他血液中的酒精含量超出了允许的水平。Smoking is not permitted in the airplane's lavatory.禁止在飞机洗手间里吸烟。Talking is not permitted in class.上课时不允许交谈。Junior members are not permitted to compete.不允许初级会员参加比赛。He permitted a slight smile to riffle his façade.他总算让自己铁板的脸上露出一丝隐笑。Residents were not even permitted to fish in the reservoir.居民甚至不准在水库内捕鱼。Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church.做礼拜时,不允许这种轻浮行为。As a punishment, she was not permitted to attend any school activities.作为惩罚,不允许她参加学校的任何活动。Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.不应让能力非常差的孩子放松对理科课程的学习。He permitted himself a small mirthless smile.他勉强露出一丝苦笑。Photography will not be permitted inside the courtroom.法庭内不准拍照。They weren't permitted to enter the country.他们未获准入境该国。Entrance is only permitted on production of a ticket.出示门票方可进入。As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne.鉴于场合特殊,她破例喝了一小杯香槟。The judge made it quite clear that the lawyers were not permitted to ask witnesses leading questions.法官已非常明确地指出律师不得向证人进行诱导性询问。When we arrived at customs we realized we had more than the permitted number of items.我们到了海关才意识到携带物品过多。The British press is not permitted to comment on a case until it comes to trial.案件审理之前,英国媒体不得加以评论。Since deregulation, banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.放开管制后,银行获准自定利率。The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour.该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。Dogs are not permitted inside the shop.不得带狗进入店内。Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency.除了有急事,员工是不允许打私人电话的。Early payment is not permitted under the terms of our agreement.根据我们的协议条款,不允许提前付款。Our car was stopped at a police checkpoint before we were permitted to cross the border.我们的汽车在边检站被示意停下,获准后才过境。This permitted Western manufacturers to play their strong cards: capital and technology.这让西方制造商得以亮出他们的王牌:资金和技术。You were permitted into the hall for the film, provided you sat at the back.若是你们坐后排,就准许你们进入大厅看电影。The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution.既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命。Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight.国有企业的工人可以从事第二职业。Radiation is well below the permitted level.辐射量远远低于规定水平。Only accredited journalists are permitted in the secure area.只有得到授权的记者才被允许进入这个安全区。Smoking is not permitted anywhere in this theatre.本剧院内任何地方都不准吸烟。He made himself as comfortable as the hard rock permitted.他在坚硬的岩石上尽可能坐得舒服些。Church leaders permitted no dissent from church teachings.教会领袖不允许对教会的教义有不同意见。Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off.米切尔的日程安排使他无法休假。The water contained six times the permitted level of chlorine.水中含有的氯是允许含量的六倍。The judge permitted the release of the prisoner.法官准许释放这名囚犯。




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