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词汇 perfect
例句 This church is a perfect example of medieval architecture.这座教堂是中世纪建筑的完美典范。His reserved manner was a perfect foil for/to her bubbly personality.他内敛的举止使她活泼热情的性格更显突出。She wrote the perfect epitaph for the poet.她为诗人写了完美的悼词。The earth is not a perfect sphere.地球不是一个很圆的球体。Once I had had a baby, I had the perfect excuse to stay at home.一旦我有了孩子,我就有了待在家里的绝佳理由。Linda looked wonderful at the party; her hair was long and sleek, her make-up perfect.聚会上,琳达看上去美极了。她一头长发光滑亮泽,化妆无可挑剔。During the time I was married I tried to be the perfect wife.在那段婚姻生活中,我努力要做个完美的妻子。The set was perfect; nothing was missing or broken.这一套完整无缺,一件也不少,一点也没有损坏。The couple had a perfect communion of thoughts.这对夫妇情投意合。The book is over 100 years old, but it's still in perfect condition.这本书有一百多年的历史,但仍然完好如新。Sand and clay are added to produce the perfect planting medium.添加沙和黏土是为了制出理想的栽植培养基。They have a huge selection of perfect, slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers, fridges and so on.他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。I found the perfect dress, but I paid through the nose for it.我发现了一条特别好的连衣裙,但为买下它我花了大价钱。The photo is a perfect likeness of you.这张照片同你本人一模一样。They glided down to a perfect landing.他们滑翔而下,着陆动作漂亮完美。It took her years to perfect her craft.她花费了多年心血来完善技艺。So this could be the perfect time to buy a home.所以这可能是买房子的绝佳时机。It makes perfect sense.这非常有道理。The weather was perfect the whole week.整个星期天气都非常好。It was a nifty arrangement, a perfect partnership.这是个不错的安排,一个完美的合作关系。Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash.方块地毯非常适用于厨房,因为其便于揭起来清洗。Your patio is lovely. Those tubs of flowers are the perfect finishing touch.你家的中庭漂亮极了。那几盆花更是完美的画龙点睛。It's the most perfect stocking filler for anyone who loves football.对任何喜爱足球的人来说,这个可塞入圣诞袜中的小礼物再合适不过了。His idea of a perfect vacation is a weeklong camp-out with the whole family.他心目中最完美的度假就是带全家去作为时一周的露营。Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.什么都不能扰乱她随意地和员工打招呼时流露出的那种镇定自若。While I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually like the man.虽然我承认他在很多方面不是那么完美,但我实际上还是非常喜欢这个男人的。Chantal speaks perfect English.尚塔尔的英语说得棒极了。The more often you play the flute, the better you'll get. Remember the old saying, practice makes perfect.长笛练得越多就吹得越好,记住这句老话,熟能生巧。He committed the perfect murder and left no forensic evidence.他实施了完美的谋杀,没留下任何可用于法庭的证据。The apartment isn't perfect, but the fact that it has new appliances is a plus.这个公寓并不完美,但它的优势是配备了新家电。Now is the perfect time to buy a new car.现在是买辆新车的最佳时机。The teacher singled him out as the only student to get a perfect score on the test.老师把他作为在这次考试中唯一一个成绩优异的学生挑了出来。A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot.音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。He is keen to perfect his golfing technique.他热衷于提高自己的高尔夫球技。The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness.这件套头毛衣又舒服又漂亮。Roses are the perfect flower for any occasion.玫瑰是适合各种时节的理想花卉。Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece.诚然,这音乐算不上完美,然而曲中欢乐无穷,使之瑕不掩瑜。Shell Cottage provides the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of London.谢尔农舍为想要躲避伦敦的忙碌喧嚣的人们提供了一个绝佳的休闲之所。Rome is the perfect setting for romance.罗马是最适合谈情说爱的地方。Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle.游客们在正爬上岩石寻找最佳的拍摄角度。




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