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词汇 peasants
例句 Tons of internationally donated food was distributed to the starving peasants.数吨国际社会捐赠的食品被分给了这些饥饿的农民。The peasants felt outrage at the attacks on their village.农民们因村庄受到攻击而感到强烈义愤。He was a radical preacher who inspired peasants to rebel.他是一个激进的传教者,鼓动农民造反。This land was farmed for centuries by peasants.这片土地几个世纪以来都曾由农民耕种。The peasants revolted against the king.农民起义反对国王。Just before sunset the peasants quit laboring in the fields.农民们直到日落方结束在田间的劳动。The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants.这幅画展现了典型的田园风光,描绘了农夫们的形象。They had distributed the lands among the peasants.他们把土地分给农民。The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence.农民认为他们唯一的选择就是诉诸暴力。The peasants' revolt was put down by the dictator's troops.农民的反叛被独裁者的军队镇压了下去。Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates.官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。The peasants rose in rebellion against the feudal ruler.农民们群起造封建统治者的反。The peasants' revolt was crushed by the king.农民起义遭到了国王的镇压。The election was a sham. Officials intimidated peasants into voting for the government candidates, or simply stuffed the ballot boxes.选举是骗人的,当官的威胁农民投政府候选人的票或者只是把选票塞满投票箱而已。The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.这些变革只不过是加剧了贫苦农民的苦难。The peasants doff their hats.农民脱下了他们的帽子。Poor peasants were the first recruits to the guerrilla forces.穷苦的农民是游击队的第一批新兵。The peasants expressed their discontent.农民表达了他们的不满。The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants.物主靠压榨农民而赢得暴利。The majority of the population are landless peasants.大部分人都是没有田地的雇农。In these countries, peasants are almost resigned to never owning their own land.在这些国家里,农民们对自己从来不占有土地几乎都安之若素。Tough fighting annealed the peasants into the guerilla band.艰苦的战斗磨练了那些农民,使他们加入了游击队。Their attempts to attract the support of peasants and workers failed.他们试图吸引农民和工人支持,但没有成功。The peasants used to tread the grapes in huge vats.农民以前站在大桶里踩葡萄。The peasants staged an uprising against the corrupt officials.农民举行起义反对贪官污吏。The peasants rose up in revolt against the landowner.农民起来反抗地主。The invading army took every opportunity to humiliate the local peasants.侵略军抓住每个机会羞辱当地的农民。Formerly peasants were astricted to the soil.过去农民被束缚在土地上。The established social order was challenged by the peasants' rebellion.现有的社会秩序受到农民起义的冲击。The peasants groveled before the king.农民们跪拜国王。The peasants rose in rebellion.农民揭竿而起。They treated us like a bunch of peasants.他们把我们当作一群乡巴佬。The peasants tried hard to protect their crops of rice from the inroads of sparrows.农民们竭力设法保护水稻免受麻雀的侵袭。He was accused of trying to stir rebellion up among the peasants.他被控企图煽动农民造反。We had to recompense the peasants for the loss of their goats.我们得赔偿农民损失的山羊。The expanding economy enriched the peasants.不断发展的经济使农民们富裕起来。There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.几乎没有什么工作可以提供给从贫困的乡下涌入城市谋生的农民。Once the harvest was in, the peasants were free to counter-attack.庄稼一收割完,农民就有时间进行反击了。The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.农民们造贪官污吏的反。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables.这幅画描绘了一群农民收获水果和蔬菜的情景。




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