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词汇 pay rise
例句 The bureaucrats, widely regarded as under-worked and overpaid, did not get much public sympathy for their demands for a pay rise.那些官僚主义者, 被普遍认为是工作时间短,但工资过高。 他们增加薪水的要求没有得到太多公众的同情。The boss turned away our request for a pay rise.老板拒绝了我们要求加薪的请求。You can see why they refused her demand for a pay rise, but from where she stands it probably seemed perfectly reasonable to ask.你能明白他们为什么拒绝了她加薪的要求,但从她的立场来看,提出这个要求似乎是完全合理的。We're seeking a pay rise that's in line with inflation.我们在努力争取使加薪幅度与通货膨胀相挂钩。There will be no pay rise this year but staff will get one extra day's holiday to soften the blow.今年将不会提薪,但是为了缓和情绪员工将得到额外的一天假期。I want two things from my boss - firstly, a pay rise, and secondly, a longer contract.我想向老板提两个要求:第一是涨工资;第二是延长合同期限。There was no mention of a pay rise.没有提到加薪的事。His request for a pay rise was turned away.他加工资的要求被回绝了。Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.当地人对工资增加的幅度感到失望。If she asks Dan for a pay rise before I do, it will probably queer my pitch.要是她先于我向丹提出加薪,那可能会毁了我加薪的机会。You are due for a pay rise.你要加薪了。Joan came in with the news that a pay rise had been agreed.琼带来消息说加薪已获批准。Their pay rise would be eaten up by higher health insurance contributions.他们增加的工资会被更高的健康保险费吞掉。Now would be a good time to ask for a pay rise.现在是提出加薪的合适时机。The unions overplayed their hand in the end and failed to get the pay rise they wanted.后来工会错估了自己的形势,未能得到他们希望的加薪。He decided it was time to broach the subject of a pay rise.他确定是提出加薪的时候了。They've put in a claim for a pay rise.他们提出了加薪的要求。He didn't get his expected pay rise.他没有得到他预料中的加薪。We were disgusted when bosses awarded themselves a massive pay rise. How can they get on the gravy train, but ask us to take a wage freeze?看到老板为自己大幅加薪,我们感到十分气愤。他们凭什么轻轻松松捞油水却要求我们不涨工资?Rising rents and travel expenses simply eat into any pay rise that nurses might get.不断上涨的房租和交通费把护士们可能得到的加薪都消耗掉了。Sheila plucked up her courage to ask for a pay rise.雪拉鼓足了勇气要求加薪。He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts.他昨天警告说,给教师们加薪会导致职位的裁减。If you're not careful, you can wave goodbye to any pay rise this year.不仔细点的话,你今年别想加工资。If he wants to ask for a pay rise, good luck to him!如果他想要求提高薪资,那只能祝他有好运气了!Mira rather put the boss on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a pay rise.米拉问老板打算什么时候给我们加薪,可真让他当场下不了台。He brushed aside talk of greedy MPs voting themselves a backdoor pay rise.他没有理会有关一些贪婪议员自己投票、想要偷偷摸摸涨工资的说法。I think you're pushing your luck asking for another pay rise.我想你要求再次提高工资是在得寸进尺。I'm due for a pay rise.我要加薪了。




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