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词汇 Pay
例句 Pay your tax honestly or you may be thrown into the cooler.老实交税,不然的话,就有可能被关进监牢。Pay particularly close attention to the second paragraph.要特别注意第二段。Pay no attention to her. She's just babbling.别理睬她。她不过是在唠叨罢了。Pay me back whenever you can. There's no great hurry.随便什么时候还我钱好了,不用太着急。Pay me the money you owe me.把你欠的钱还我。Pay attention to the body language of the speaker.注意这位说话者的身体语言。East Coast Pay Television was Australia's first digital direct broadcast satellite subscription television service.东海岸付费电视台是澳大利亚第一家提供数字化卫星直播服务的收费电视频道。Pay special attention to how you clean the wound.你要格外注意怎样清洁伤口。Pay constitutes two thirds of all current expenditure.工资占目前所有开支的三分之二。First things first. Pay the victims now.先处理重要的事。现在要赔偿罹难者。Pay our own travel costs? That's a bit much, don't you think?自己支付差旅费用?你不觉得那太过分了吗?Pay attention to the crossed names.注意哪些划掉的名字。Pay attention to me, kiddo, or you're going to get hurt!听我的,年轻人,否则你会受伤的!Pay by credit card at least ten days before departure.至少在出发前十天要用信用卡付款。Pay has been cut by one-third.薪水被削减了三分之一。Pay is determined by length of service.薪酬是由工作年限决定的。Pay me now or later – it makes no odds.现在付给我或者晚点再付都没关系。Pay now, or nothing doing.现在付钱,否则不行。Pay us a visit next time you're in town.你下次进城时一定要来看我们。Pay the bill and ask the grocer to receipt it.付帐之后请食品杂货商注明收讫。Pay increases will now be linked to performance.今后加薪将与业绩挂钩。Pay attention to the freshness of your food.注意你的食物是否新鲜。Pay attention to the pause at the end of each cadence.注意每个结尾的延长记号。He's just teasing you. Don't pay any attention to him. = Pay no attention to him. 他不过跟你开个玩笑,不必理会。Pay cuts have led to widespread dissatisfaction.减薪引起了广泛的不满。Pay special attention to the last paragraph.请格外注意最后一段。Pay particular attention to the poet's choice of words.要特别注意诗人的选词。The new Pay Tax is just old Income Tax writ large.新的工资税无非就是大幅度扩大了的旧的所得税而已。Pay differentials are legal and appropriate if they are based on merit, seniority or any other factor than sex.如果工资级差建立在业绩、资历或其他非性别因素的基础上,那就是合理合法的。Pay for the hotel room when you leave, and the company will reimburse you later.你走的时候把酒店房费付掉,然后向公司报销。Pay no attention to what Bill said-he's a liar!比尔说的话别当真 - 他是个骗子!Pay out the hawser fast. I don't want that anchor to drag.快放松粗绳。我不希望那锚被拖走。




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