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A sonnet has a fixed rhyming pattern.十四行诗有固定的韵律。All the murders have followed the same grisly pattern.所有这些谋杀都按照同样可怖的模式发生。He has a fixed pattern of behavior.他有一套不变的行为方式。The company has put production in a holding pattern while better testing methods are developed.这家公司暂停了生产,以待开发出更好的测试方法。He had arranged the glasses in a pattern on the table.他把桌子上的玻璃杯摆成了一个图案。The overall pattern of our life changes little.我们生活的整体模式没什么变化。Changes in the economy have followed a cyclical pattern.经济呈周期性变化。Using the pattern, cut out one piece of pelmet stiffening.按照这个图样剪出一块帷幔硬衬。In their orbits around the sun, the planets trace an elliptical pattern.各大行星绕太阳运行的轨道呈椭圆形。There is no set pattern for these meetings.这些会议没有固定的模式。She's fitting into the pattern of life in Alexandria.她对亚历山大城的生活方式开始适应了。The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn't work.这种典型的职业模式是为妻子不工作的男性设计的。An earlier pattern may reassert itself.早期流行的一种样式可能会再次时兴。You can reverse the jacket so that the pattern is on the outside.你可以把夹克翻过来穿,这样图案就露在外面了。The Jacquard card originates from Chinese ancient pattern sketch.提花机上的纹板源于我国古代的花木。A simple pattern has emerged. 一个简单的模式显现出来了。Portuguese colonial rule followed a similar pattern to that of other powers.葡萄牙的殖民统治遵循了与其他强权国家相似的模式。Delayed sleep phase pattern can cause problems with schooling and work.睡眠相位延迟的情况可能给工作学习带来一些问题。Women weren't expected to work in those days. The accepted pattern was marriage and motherhood.那时候女性是不该出去工作的。普遍被接受的模式就是结婚和生儿育女。We chose a delicate floral pattern for our bedroom curtains.我们为卧室选了一种花色图案非常淡雅的窗帘。Disagreement exists over the pattern of demand for coal.在煤的需求结构上存在分歧。A pattern is woven into the fabric.在织物上编织出图案。It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.在这些数字中很难找出规律。They'd altered his shift pattern twice in the past month.上个月他们让他换了两次班。Caffeine can disturb your sleep pattern.咖啡因会打乱你的睡眠模式。Look, the frost has made a beautiful pattern on the window.看啊,霜在窗户上形成了美丽的图案。Different concepts of child well-being can come together to form a congruent pattern of children's services.关于儿童康乐的不同理念可以汇集起来形成一个儿童服务的统一模式。A laser is used to etch a pattern in the smooth surface of the disc.有一个激光器用于在光盘的光滑表面刻录图案。The seamstress made the dress conform to the pattern.女裁缝把这衣服做成和纸样一个样。After several years of strong growth, the laptop market is downshifting to a slower, but hopefully steady, pattern of growth.经过几年的强劲增长以后,手提电脑市场正在放慢速度,进入一种慢一些但可望更稳定一些的增长状态。The roof beams form a star-like pattern.房梁构成了一个星状图案。Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.罗茜用手指在沙地上画出一幅精美的图案。The pattern goes across the full width of the material.图案横贯整幅布料。Your symptoms fit the pattern of diabetes. 你的症状符合糖尿病的特点。Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.把烤面包顶部用锋利的锯齿刀交错切开。Cut out all of the pieces from the paper pattern and pin them on the cloth.剪下服装纸样上的每一片,把它们别在布上。The dishes have a floral pattern around the rim.餐具边缘饰有一圈花卉图案。A close parallel to this mating pattern is found in dolphins.在海豚身上发现了与此极为相似的交配模式。The two wars followed broadly the same pattern.两次战争大体上遵循了相同的模式。The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.这花园是按规则的几何图形设计的。 |