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词汇 passengers
例句 Getting out of the open doors, passengers were bowled along the platform.旅客们从打开的门中走出来,被拥着沿站台迅速向前走去。The bus stopped to let off a few passengers.公共汽车停下,让几名乘客下了车。The two other passengers escaped serious injury.另外两名乘客逃过一劫,未受重伤。Buses shuttled passengers from the car park to the airport terminal.摆渡车在停车场和机场航站楼之间往返接送乘客。Two passengers are unaccounted for.两名乘客下落不明。The information is for the instruction of passengers.这些信息意在为乘客提供指导。The trapped passengers screamed for help.被困的乘客尖声呼救。The ship embarked passengers and cargo.那艘船载上乘客,装上货物。The jet crashed soon after takeoff, killing all the passengers and crew.那架喷气式飞机起飞后不久就坠毁了,所有乘客和机组人员无一生还。The ship's passengers are all on board.所有的乘客都上了船。Some of the passengers were dumb with terror.有些旅客吓得说不出话。The heat, the noise, the smell of the other passengers; everything about the subway disgusted him.那热气、那嘈杂声、那其他乘客的体味,地铁里的一切都让他感到恶心。I soon got talking to my fellow passengers.很快我就和同行的客人聊起来了。All passengers must proceed to the baggage claim area.所有乘客都必须前往行李提取处。His calm confidence steadied the nervous passengers.他的镇定自若使紧张不安的旅客们冷静下来。If you have a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 20,000 feet, passengers will become torpid and then lose consciousness.如果在两万英尺的高空突然失去舱压,乘客会变得有气无力,继而失去知觉。The bus stopped to let its passengers off.公共汽车停下来,让乘客下车。The airport has a people mover to bring passengers to the far terminals.机场有一辆摆渡车,可将乘客送到较远的航站楼。In car pools women tend overwhelmingly to be passengers rather than drivers.在合伙用车中,妇女大多当乘客而不当开车人。Economy class passengers were packed in like sardines.经济舱的乘客挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼一样。Two passengers sat in the back of the car.两名乘客坐在轿车的后排。They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.他们采取措施确保乘客安全。They passengers were frisked before they were allowed to board the plane.旅客们在被准许登机前都被搜过身。The panic-stricken passengers tried to rush the boat.惊慌失措的旅客都拼命往救生艇挤去。The new law will require passengers in the rear seats of automobiles to buckle their seatbelts.这条新法令要求汽车后座上的乘客系安全带。The passengers were looking green around the gills.乘客们看上去面如土色。The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.乘客们为景致所吸引。A cheer went up from the other passengers.其他乘客发出一声欢呼。At customs, dogs are used to sniff out drugs in passengers' luggage.在海关,狗被用来嗅查乘客行李中的毒品。Only passengers who were ticketed on that particular flight will receive a refund.只有购买了该航班机票的乘客才能获得退款。Several of the passengers were severely injured in the accident.好几位乘客在事故中严重受伤。Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck.有两名乘客仍然被困在出事车辆中。The immediate reason for the fare increase is a drop in the number of passengers.乘客数量减少是票价上涨的直接原因。The passengers debarked in Miami.乘客们在迈阿密下了飞机。After a bumpy landing, all the passengers cheered and thanked the pilot.飞机颠簸着着陆了,所有的乘客都欢呼起来,向飞行员致谢。The ferries can cope with the traffic of both goods and passengers.货运与客运渡船都可应付。The passengers were delayed for an hour.乘客被延误了一个小时。One of the other passengers who was queueing to get on the train suddenly had a heart attack.排队上火车的乘客中有人突然心脏病发作。Come quickly, one of the passengers has collapsed.快来,有位乘客昏倒了。The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.罢工导致部分轮渡停运,数百名旅客滞留码头。




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