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词汇 pass
例句 Farmers pass the bigger part of their lives in the open.农民一生中大半时间都在户外度过。Our aim is to help him, not to pass judgment on what he has done.我们的目的是要帮助他,而不是对他做的事说三道四。I wondered how it came to pass that a thinking man bore the prejudices of his unthinking parents.我想知道一个有思想的人如何忍受他无思想的父母的偏见。The judge will pass sentence on the accused this afternoon.法官将于今天下午宣布对被告的判决。Please pass the salt and pepper.请递一下盐和胡椒粉。I turned aside to allow those who were waiting to pass by.我闪到一边让等着的人们过去。How long will it take us to pass the Customs?通过海关检查要花费我们多少时间? I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。They were very careful not to pass any comment on the government.他们小心翼翼不对政府作任何评论。The pass was a real beauty, but the shot was poor.传得非常漂亮,但是临门一脚太臭了。We took the high pass over the ridge.我们从山脊的高山口通过。Meteoroids burn up as they pass through Earth's atmosphere.流星体穿过地球大气层时会烧毁。The pass led to a dunk.这记传球造成扣篮得分。Students must reach a sufficiently high standard to pass.学生必须达到足够高的水准才能通过。As you pass the farm, take the right fork of the track up the hill.经过农场时,走右边上坡的那条小岔道。They were just clowning around, engaging in playful antics to pass the time of day.他们只是在耍活宝,做出些滑稽古怪的举动打发时间。As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away.太阳一出来,雾就会消失。We stood aside to let her pass.我们站到一边让她过去。The mountain pass is well guarded.山口的防卫非常严密。Ask someone to pass you the jam instead of stretching across the table for it.请人把果酱递给你,而不要隔着桌子伸过手去拿。A student may retake the exam if s/he does not pass first time.如果第一次没有通过考试,可以补考。I look for smiles and expressions of contentment in people's faces as I pass, but I don't see them very often.我经过人们身边,想在他们脸上看到笑意和满足的神情,但是很少能看到。My guest pass allows me to use the club's facilities free of charge.我有贵宾证,可以免费使用该俱乐部的设施。I've tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent.我努力将口音装成女修会学校的口音。He's always done the minimum possible to pass his exams.他用功一向只求通过考试。I know what he said wasn't strictly accurate but I let it pass anyway.我知道他说的并不十分准确,但不管怎样,我没有去追究。I'll pass, thanks.我就免了吧,谢谢。My tutor solemnly cautioned me that I might not pass my exams.指导老师严肃地告诫我说,我有可能考试不及格。Sleeping with a wolf is not the most restful way to pass the night.与狼睡在一起,夜里自然不大会安宁的。Could you pass the salt, please?把盐递过来,好吗?Take one sheet and pass the rest down/on/along. 拿一张,把剩下的往下传。Sucking up to the teacher doesn't mean you'll pass your exams.拍老师马屁并不能保证你会通过考试。I can't pass judgement until I know all the facts.在没有了解全部事实之前我无法作出判断。Astronomers are very excited about a comet that will pass close to Earth later this month.本月晚些时候将有一颗星在地球附近掠过,天文学家非常兴奋。I pulled into the fast lane to pass the truck.我开进快车道超越那辆货车。The security guards used to pass their time playing cards.警卫过去常玩纸牌消磨时间。I thought I was going to pass out.我认为自己快晕倒了。She used to turn to her aunt for help when she found herself in a fine pass.过去她身陷困境时,总是请姨妈帮忙。Chris was amazingly lucky to pass the exam.克里斯运气奇好,竟通过了考试。He tried to get on the train using a pass that was months out of date.他试图用一张过期几个月的乘车证上火车。




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