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词汇 parting
例句 The pain of parting had lessened over the years.年月逝去,分手的痛苦也渐渐被冲淡了。Scrape your hair back and add a parting.把头发紧紧向后梳,再分个缝。The divorce was a bitter parting that cost him financially as well as emotionally.离婚是苦涩的离别,他不但花费了金钱,也耗费了情感。It was a dreadfully emotional parting.那是一次非常动情的分别。I recalled Mr Starke's kind parting words.我想起了斯塔克先生离别时亲切的话语。It was an amicable parting and we greatly value the years we spent together.这是一次友好的分手,我们十分珍惜共同度过的几年时光。They exchanged a firm handshake on parting.他们分手时紧紧地握了握手。I feared the morning, for I knew that our parting would be difficult.我害怕早上,因为我知道离别对我们来说是多么难。These disagreements eventually led to the parting of the ways between the two organizations.这些分歧最终导致两个组织分道扬镳。The friends were sad at parting.朋友们在临别时都很感伤。He had been stoical at their parting.他们分手时他表现得很坦然。She couldn't bear the thought of parting from her family.一想到要离开家人,她就无法忍受。As her parting shot , she said that the other candidate simply did not understand the needs of the city's citizens.她临走时扔下一句狠话,说其他竞选者根本不了解市民的需求。They'd had an amicable parting.他们友好地分手了。The group acknowledged that the parting of the ways was a result of differing opinions concerning the strategic focus of their business.该团体承认分道扬镳是他们对生意上战略重点的不同意见造成的。He has confirmed he is parting from his wife.他已承认他和妻子分手了。George said no more until their final parting.直到最后分手,乔治都没再说什么。Only after parting kisses to his wife and children did he get on the train.给了妻子和孩子临别的吻后,他才上火车。As her parting shot, she told me never to phone her again.临别时她丢下一句话,告诉我再也不要打电话给她。The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.暮钟鸣,昼已暝。Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them.其中很多东西都具有重要的情感价值,令人难以割舍。They were on the verge of tears at parting.他们分手时几乎要哭出来了。A handshake is his parting salutation.他跟别人分手时总是握握手。The parting of the ways came after a series of disagreements between the singer and his song-writer.经过一连串争执后,歌手和他的曲作者最终各奔东西。He gave her a light kiss on parting.分别时他轻轻地吻了她一下。Tony bent to look out of the window, parting the curtains with one hand.托尼用一只手把窗帘拉开,弯腰向窗外看去。I meant to go away quietly, but your kindness made the parting doubly hard.我本想悄悄离去,可你的善意却使分别更加难了。As her parting shot, she said that the other candidate simply did not understand the needs of the city's citizens.她的临别评语是,另一位候选人根本不了解市民的需要。The parting from his sister had a positive effect on John.和姐姐分开对约翰来说有好处。Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.她分手时说的话让他感到空虚和孤独。She and her political party came to a parting of the ways over the war.她与她所在的政党因战争问题而分道扬镳。On parting, he took my hand and promised to return.分别的时候,他拉着我的手说一定会回来。Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash.买主们付款之前可能会要求进一步的保障。We said goodbye to each other at the parting of the ways.我们在十字路口互相道别。Their parting was perfectly amicable.他们相当友好地分开了。We've come to a parting of the ways.我们来到了岔路口。She was already dreading the moment of parting.她已经在害怕离别时刻的到来。He shot her a parting glance and then left.临别时他看了她一眼,然后走了。He has confirmed he is parting from his Swedish-born wife Eva.他承认要与他的瑞典妻子伊娃分手。He used to have a side parting, but now he wants a centre parting.以前他的头发是边分的,而现在他想要中分。




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