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词汇 participation
例句 We have to improve and increase mass participation in sports.我们要改善和提高群众对体育活动的参与。We want more participation in the decision-making.我们想更多地参与决策。We are hoping for full participation at grass roots level.我们希望基层民众充分参与。We are looking for ways in which community participation could help regenerate the inner cities.我们正在寻求社区参与可以促进旧城重建的途径。That we are expelled from participation in international organizations is bound to have profound ramifications upon the relations between our two countries.我方被拒绝参加国际组织势必将对两国的关系产生深远的延伸性影响。Certain groups tend to be excluded from full participation in society.某些群体往往被排斥而不能充分参与社会活动。Those who declined participation were excused and sent back to the classroom.那些拒绝参加的学生得到允许,并被送回课堂。The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions.该协议鼓励工人参与管理层的决策。He is known for his active participation in community affairs.他因积极参与社区事务而为人所知。The club encourages participation in sporting activities.俱乐部鼓励人们参加体育活动。The show had a lot of audience participation.这个节目有很多观众参与。Your participation in the debate would be welcome.欢迎你参加辩论会。Barcelona's participation in the competition has been conditionally approved.巴塞罗那队的参赛资格已被有条件地通过了。He has a bad knee that will limit his participation in training.他有一个关节不好,限制了他参加培训。Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术需要观众参与。Future plans will depend on member participation and input in the coming months.未来的计划将取决于接下来几个月里成员的参与和投入。We would like to see more participation by younger people.我们希望看到更多年轻人的参与。The success of the festival depended upon the participation of the whole community.节日活动的成功有赖于全社区的积极参与。We encourage student participation in our classes.我们鼓励学生在课堂上积极参与。He noted a lack of participation by the people who would benefit the most.他注意到原本应受益最多的人群反而不怎么参与。The play was produced for children and encourages audience participation.该剧是制作给儿童看的,而且鼓励观众参与。We were very pleased with the high level of participation in the charity events.我们为大家积极参与慈善活动感到非常高兴。There is no upper age limit for participation.参加者的年龄没有上限。They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems.他们要求更多的直接参与解决钢铁生产的问题。Class participation is a quarter of your final grade.上课出席率占你们期末成绩的四分之一。In her view, women's full participation in the labor market is a necessary condition of equality.在她看来,妇女全面投入劳动力市场是实现平等的必要条件。My participation is unofficial.我的参加不代表官方。Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?.严格的选拔标准是否会造成精英主义,进而危及奥林匹克重在参与的理念呢?Playgroups tend to encourage a high level of parent participation.幼儿游戏组往往鼓励家长的高度参与。Teachers were asked to solicit student participation.要求教师敦请学生多多参与。They made a compelling/convincing/persuasive/strong argument for our participation.为了让我们参与,他们给出了极具说服力的理由。Our partners are demanding full participation in the decision-making process.我们的合伙人要求全面参与决策过程。Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有这样才能凑足参与人数。




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