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例句 Students are expected to participate in sports according to their capabilities. 学生们应根据自身能力参加相应的体育运动。You have to contract in if you want to participate in the scheme.你想参与此计划的话得先遵守协议。The state will provide child care when both parents participate in the training program.该州在父母俩同时参加培训计划时提供托儿服务。Most banks in the United States participate in a clearing house where they can cash each other's checks.美国的大多数银行都参加票据交换所,在那里兑现彼此的支票。We want to make it as easy as possible for members to participate.我们要让会员参与变得尽可能容易。Local clergy have been invited to participate in an interfaith service.本地神职人员受邀参加一个跨宗教礼拜。Over half the population of this country participate in sport.这个国家一半以上的人口参加体育锻炼。Common obligations of citizens include a requirement to participate as a juror if called upon.公民的常见义务包括在被需要时加入陪审团。Apartment dwellers can participate in community gardens.公寓住户可以在社区的花园中参加活动。Completion of the survey was taken as implied consent to participate.完成调查表被视为同意参加调查。She said that she didn't participate in the games because her shoulder was sore.她说没有参加比赛是因为肩痛。They participate actively in their church.他们积极参加教会活动。They say they could still participate in other phases.它们表示仍有可能参加其它阶段的开发。Our employees are encouraged to participate in the decision making process.我们鼓励雇员参与决策过程。Children eight and over may participate in the contest.八岁及以上年龄的儿童可以参加比赛。The US was ready to train its troops to participate.美国准备训练军队参加。Young children will participate in a drama class without inhibition.小孩子参加戏剧班往往毫不拘谨。Students must pay their own way if they choose to participate in the trip.学生要想参加这次旅行,必须自掏费用。She was ineligible for the contest. = She was ineligible to participate in the contest.她不够资格参加比赛。They encourage their children to participate in temple worship.他们鼓励子女去寺庙拜神。It is incumbent upon all employees to participate. 所有雇员都必须参加。Other countries were invited to participate in the project.其他国家也被邀请参加这一项目。Discussions were effectively stalled by the union's refusal to participate.由于工会拒绝参加,磋商事实上被拖延下来。If you don't participate in the planning of the trip, you can't complain about what we plan.如果你不参与制订旅行计划,就不能抱怨我们做的计划。He was asked to participate only as a matter of form.(人们)只是礼节性地邀请他出席。The country refuses to participate in talks on nuclear disarmament.这个国家拒绝参加核裁军谈判。We tried to include Reggie in the conversation, but he didn't participate.我们想让雷吉加入到谈话中来,但他不想参与。Previously ineligible patients may now be able to participate in the study.之前不合条件的病人现在或许可以参加这项研究了。Members can participate in any of the trips organized by the club.俱乐部举行的任何旅行活动,会员均可参加。We were surprised by his agreement to participate. 他同意参加,我们都感到吃惊。If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.如果某个学生因确实存在的宗教原因而不愿参加某项学校活动,那就不必参加。Over half the population participate in sport.超过一半的人口参加了体育运动。In a modern democracy, people want to be invited to participate more.在现代民主中,人们希望能受邀参与更多的事务。She is keen to participate in any form of service to the community.她渴望参加各种为社区服务的活动。She must have had a brainstorm when she agreed to participate in this woeful comedy.她同意参演这部糟糕的喜剧时一定是头脑发昏了。In a modern democracy people want to participate more fully.在民主政体中,人们要求更多的参与。Tourists from all over the world flock to Kenya to participate in safaris.许多来自世界各地的游客到肯亚去参加野生动物观赏之旅。She's hoping to participate in the next Olympic Games.她希望参加下一届奥运会。The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.学校没有给她们与男生同样多的参加大学体育活动的机会。They will have the opportunity to participate actively in the process.他们将有机会积极主动地参与这一进程。




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