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例句 The most diplomatically active of the six participants sent a delegation to the capital.六个参与方中外交上最积极的一方向首都派出了一支代表团。All participants must follow the guidelines set down by the organization.所有参与人员都必须遵守组织方制定的规定。The participants were asked to indicate their attitudes to science.参与者被要求申明自己对科学的态度。Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence.他们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来。Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally/ethically blameworthy.他们没有充分告知参与者这项活动的危险性,在道义上,他们应该受到谴责。The initial reaction of most participants is fear.多数参与者的最初反应是恐惧。Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence, and the two women responded by listening intently.她们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来,作为回应这两位女士也专心倾听起来。They were active participants in the project.他们是这个项目的积极参与者。The participants' chairs should be arranged in groups so they can talk to one another.参与者的座位要分组安排,以便于互相交流。All the participants in the cooking contest received a free cookbook.烹饪比赛的所有参加者都得到了一本免费的食谱。The participants were mainly young people.参加者大部分是年轻人。We want people to become active participants in the political process.我们希望人们能积极参与政治进程。There were a fair number of new participants at the convention.此次大会有相当多的人是首次参会。The first three participants to place in each event will receive medals.每个项目的前三名选手将获得奖牌。Reenact this scene from memory with the same or random participants.请原班人马或其他人根据记忆重演这个段子。He was talking with fellow participants before the competition.他在赛前一直与一同参赛的人交谈。There was a very good atmosphere at the talks and the participants believed movement forward was possible.会谈气氛非常融洽,与会者相信会取得进展。Protests on Monday attracted thousands of participants.星期一的抗议吸引了数千人参加。Social Security has reduced poverty, and last, but by no means least, it has been a good deal for participants.社会保障制度减少了贫困,最后同样重要的一点是,对于参加者来说它是合算的。The issue of where the peace talks will be held may seem trivial, but to the participants it is very important.和谈在哪里举行也许看上去微不足道,但是对与会者来说却十分重要。He described himself and Altman as victims rather than participants in the scandal.他把他自己和奥尔特曼描绘成这一丑闻的受害者而不是参与者。While many give money to the organization, only a few are active participants.虽然很多人给这家机构捐钱但是积极参加活动的并不多。At every gathering for dances, sports, or games of any kind there are more lookers-on than participants.每次舞蹈、体育或其他比赛的活动中,旁观者都比参与者多。We wanted to offer the congress participants a greater diversity of content.我们想为与会代表提供更加丰富多样的内容。Conference calls allow participants across the nation to meet over the telephone.电话会议使全国各地的与会者能通过电话一起开会。The participants' answers were scored and the totals added up.参赛者的答案将被评分,总分相加。At the end of the conference, all the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire.大会结束时,所有的与会者都被要求填写一份问卷。Many participants collect sponsorship from family, friends and colleagues.许多参与者向家人、朋友、同事拉赞助。




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