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词汇 paradise
例句 Suicide pilots are brainwashed into believing they will go straight to paradise when they die.自杀飞行员经过洗脑后相信自己死后能直接上天堂。The vacation was advertised as a week in paradise.这次度假被广告宣传成在天堂的一周。They all expected to go to paradise.他们都想进天堂。The airport is a paradise for pickpockets.机场是扒手的天堂。The island is a veritable paradise.这个岛真是一个人间天堂。If they were captured, they wished to die, believing that they would go to paradise.如果被捕,他们希望去死,因为他们相信自己能够上天堂。The Algarve is a golfer's paradise.阿尔加维是高尔夫球手的天堂。I have grown a bird of paradise flower, Strelitzia reginae, from seed.我用种子培育了一株天堂鸟花,学名鹤望兰。She worked on the garden until she had created her own little paradise.她一直侍弄着花园,直到把那里变成了自己的小小乐园。We found ourselves in a tropical paradise.我们发现自己身处热带天堂。Scott is living and working at a mission for the homeless. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.斯科特在一家救助无家可归者的慈善机构工作生活。与难民营相比,他称这个慈善机构为乐园。His idea of paradise is to spend the day lying on the beach.他心目中的天堂生活就是整天躺在沙滩上休闲。The region is dubbed the paradise on earth.这地方被称为人间天堂。Very few people have the money to take advantage of this consumer paradise.有钱来享受这个购物天堂的人寥寥无几。Compared to where I used to work, this place is paradise.和我过去工作的地方相比,这里就是天堂了。This mall is a shopper's paradise.这个商业中心是购物者的天堂。The Seychelles are what most people think of as an island paradise.塞舌尔群岛是大多数人心中的乐土。The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.《古兰经》将天园描述为一个乐园。They moved to the country hoping to find paradise.他们搬到了乡下,想在那里找到乐土。Their marriage was very happy at first, but now there's trouble in paradise.他们的婚姻一开始很幸福,但是现在幸福天堂里也出现了烦恼。The place is a gourmet's paradise.这个地方是美食家的天堂。We are headed for economic trouble, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a fool's paradise.我们很快就会陷入经济困境,不认同这点的人都生活在虚幻的幸福中。Madeira has an ideal climate, and so it is not surprising that it has become a tourist paradise.马德拉岛气候宜人,因此它成了游客的天堂不足为怪。He seems to be living in a fool's paradise.他似乎生活在一个虚幻的乐境里。They lived in an earthly paradise.他们生活在人间天堂。If they were captured they wished to die, believing that they would go to paradise.如果被捕,他们希望去死,因为他们相信自己能够上天堂。The hostel is a paradise compared with the camp.与营地相比,招待所是个天堂。I am unfriendly to the whole idea of psychedelia and the very notion of a chemical paradise seems absurd.我对同迷幻世界有关的一切都反感,这种用化学药物来创造天堂的想法本身就显得荒诞不经。When I'm with you, I'm in paradise. 和你在一起,我快乐至极。The area is a paradise for duck shooters.这一区域是射猎鸭子的人的天堂。The Koran describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.《古兰经》将天国描述成一个乐园。To the former Belgian colonizers, Rwanda was a paradise.对于以前的比利时殖民者来说,卢旺达就是个天堂。The hotel felt like paradise after two weeks of camping.两个星期的野营之后,酒店让人感觉像是天堂。Hawaii is a paradise for surfers.夏威夷是冲浪者的理想去处。A home near the sea is my idea of paradise.在海边建一个家是我梦想的天堂。The area is a veritable paradise for those who love walking and swimming.这个地区对于喜欢散步和游泳的人来说简直就是天堂。That area is an ornithologist's paradise.那个地区是鸟类学家的天堂。This shop is an antique collecting paradise!这家商店是古董收藏的天堂!Hong Kong is a shopper's paradise.香港是购物者的天堂。I had the whole beach to myself – it was paradise.我独自拥有整个海滩,它是天堂。




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