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词汇 back seat
例句 Leaving your shopping on the back seat is an invitation to a thief.把买来的东西放在后座上会招来小偷。I was uncomfortable in the back seat.我坐在后座觉得不舒服。I get sick if I sit in the back seat of a car for any length of time. 我在汽车后座上稍坐一会儿就会晕车。Sabina and Mel sat side by side in the back seat.萨比纳和梅尔并排坐在后座上。He won't take a back seat to anyone.他不甘屈居人下。He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat.他伸手从后座上取回了自己的夹克。I get sick if I sit in the back seat.如果坐在后座,我会晕。He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat.他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克,随手把它扔在后座上。I wedged myself into the car's back seat.我挤进了小汽车的后座。I saw them snogging on the back seat of a bus.我看见他们在公共汽车的后座上拥抱亲吻。He threw up his breakfast all over the back seat of the car.他把早餐吐在了汽车后座上,到处都是。We can squeeze one more person in the back seat.后排座椅还能塞进一个人。There was some whispering in the back seat.后座上有人在交头接耳。The new coupe allows easy access to the back seat.这种新型小轿车入后座很方便。There was a mad scramble for the back seat.为抢后座发生了一场激烈争斗。You can put your suitcase on the back seat of the car.你可以把手提箱放在汽车后座上。I was squashed between Jan and Dave in the back seat.我坐在后座上,挤在简和戴夫当中。This is a country where women usually take a back seat.在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。She drove while I drowsed in the back seat.她开车时我坐在后排座上打盹。He was in the back seat of the car when the accident happened.事故发生时他坐在车后座。Finally, Bryant decided to take a back seat and let his son run the company.最后,布赖恩特决定退居二线,让儿子来管理公司。Why is there dirt all over the back seat of the car?为什么汽车后座上到处是尘垢?He unlocked the car and threw the coat on to the back seat.他用钥匙打开车门,把外套扔到了后座上。I would suggest that you take a back seat and mind your own business.我建议你还是退到幕后,管好你自己的事。I found my gloves lying on the back seat.我在后座上找到了我的手套。To many dogs, the back seat of a car can seem like hell on earth.对于许多狗来说,汽车的后座简直就像是人间地狱。He took a back seat, letting his finance ministers do the talking.他退居次席,让他的财政部长们进行商谈。I always feel sick if I sit in the back seat of the car.我只要坐在汽车后排座位上就会觉得恶心。The little boy was sandwiched between his brother and sister in the back seat of the van.小男孩在面包车后排座上被哥哥姐姐夹在中间。Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.外交政策暂时要排在国内问题之后了。She sat bolt upright in the back seat.她直直地坐在后座上。He sat in the back seat of the car.他坐在车子后面的座位上。Syvil leapt out of the back seat, and gave him a hug.赛维尔从后座跳出来,给了他一个拥抱。Can you shoehorn four of us into the back seat of your car?你能把我们四个人塞进你汽车的后座吗?There is ample room for the children on the back seat.后座的空间足可容纳孩子们。Nelson will never take a back seat to anyone.纳尔逊绝对不甘人后。The couple was doing some petting in the back seat of the car.那一对在车后座狂热爱抚。The back seat will hold three people. 这个后座能容纳三个人。You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future.你得退居二线,把过去和将来都捋清楚。I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.我看见他把带帽防寒服脱下来扔在了后面的座位上。




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