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词汇 backs
例句 They have two good running backs who can cause problems for our team's defense.他们有两名优秀的跑卫,会给我们队的防守带来麻烦。We can save our backs with a machine.我们可用机器减轻劳动强度。He's never liked talking about people behind their backs.他从来不喜欢在背后议论别人。I saw women patrolling the streets with rifles on their backs.我看到妇女背著枪在街上巡逻。Don't despair if you have a few knock-backs.不要遭到几次拒绝就灰心丧气。Her window faced the backs of the houses.她的窗户对着这些房屋的后面。The employers are flat on their backs.雇主们完全屈服了。If we really put our backs into it, we could finish today.如果我们加把劲,今天能干完。The two women lay on their backs, not stirring.两名妇女一动不动地仰面躺着。The sun was strong on our backs.太阳晒在我们背上火辣辣的。You should always put babies to sleep on their backs.你应该让婴儿总是仰躺着睡。Their house backs directly onto the railway line.他们的房子背后就是铁路。The hotel backs onto St Mark's Square.这家宾馆背靠圣马可广场。The children were told to lie on their backs and waggle their legs in the air.孩子们被要求仰面躺着,双腿向上摆动。They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen.他们抓起鞭子,朝跌倒的人背上抽去。Economic prosperity was won on the backs of the urban poor.经济繁荣靠的是城市里的贫民。It cannot simply be argued that Spain leapfrogged to prosperity on the backs of her Northern neighbours.毫无疑问,西班牙是乘着北方邻国的东风才大步走向繁荣的。Deep-sea divers carry cylinders of oxygen on their backs.深海潜水员背上背有氧气筒。There was no print at all on the backs of the tickets.门票背面没有印刷任何文字。When we had our backs to the wall during the war, everyone had to fight together.战争中我们陷入绝境之时,大家只能合力奋战。Mark's always slagging off his friends behind their backs.马克老是在背后诋毁他的朋友。The women carried their burdens on their backs.那些女人背负重物。The house fronts onto Main Street and backs onto/on the golf course. 这房子面朝主街,背对高尔夫球场。All the evidence backs up her story.所有证据都证实了她所说的情况。Their backs were bared.他们的背裸露著。Climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding.登山者得把所有的装备都背上,更不用说帐篷和寝具了。He worked the room like a politician, gripping hands, and slapping backs.他又是握手,又是拍背,像个政客一样把一屋子的人都笼络了一番。He treats everyone like children, and that's why he puts people's backs up.他对谁都像是待小孩似的,所以大家都对他有反感。It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.在背后讲人坏话是卑鄙的。Simone was the kind of person who was always putting people's backs up.西蒙娜是那种老是惹人生气的人。I hate the way Dan is always slagging people off behind their backs.我不喜欢丹总是那样在背后诋毁别人。Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.夫妇俩冷淡地以背相向,互相责备。Many Boston terriers with level backs will show roach on a cold day.许多平背的波士顿㹴狗在冷天会出现弓背。The house backs onto a narrow alley.房子后面是一条狭窄的胡同。Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep.母亲们一般让婴儿平躺着睡。His garden backs onto a school.他的花园背朝一所学校。England had their backs to the wall in the second half.英格兰队在下半场被逼得没有退路。Most people lived in back-to-backs.大多数人住在连背式房屋里。The burglars bound the family's wrists behind their backs.盗贼把全家人的手腕反绑起来。Baby monkeys cling to their mother's backs.小猴子们会伏在母猴的背上。




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