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词汇 pair of
例句 The next leader of the party should be a safe pair of hands.政党的下任领袖应该是一位可信赖的人。On Christmas she got a new pair of skates.耶诞节时她得到一双新溜冰鞋。She rewarded herself by buying a new pair of shoes.她买了双新鞋犒劳自己。The store is closing out tomorrow; I'll go and buy a pair of shoes.商店明天有廉价货销售,我去买双鞋。She wore a black dress and a pair of kitten heels.她身穿黑色裙子,脚踏一双低跟鞋。A brief rummage will provide several pairs of gloves.稍微翻翻,就能找到几双手套。She gained a reputation as a safe pair of hands.她赢得了可靠伙伴的名声。He was poncing around in a pair of fluffy slippers.他穿着一双毛茸茸的拖鞋四处招摇。She bought a pair of nylons.她买了一双尼龙袜。She has been chasing about town all morning looking for a pair of shoes for her daughter.为给女儿买一双鞋,她跑了一上午在市内各处寻找。She felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was on her.她觉得似乎屋里的每一双眼睛都在注视自己。I found a pair of his skanky underpants on the floor.我在地板上找到他的一条特别脏的内裤。Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.繁忙时段多一个帮手可以减轻压力。There were several pairs of riding boots ranked neatly in the hall.门厅里整齐地排列着几双马靴。I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.我相信,银行里存有足够的钱能让我破费一回买双好鞋。I can run up a pair of curtains in a day.我可以在一天内赶制好一对窗帘。I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things.除了别的东西,我想买顶帽子和一双皮靴。Dragonflies have two pairs of wings.蜻蜓有两对翅膀。One of the pair of shoes ripped.这双鞋中有一只开绽了。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us.出去买付眼镜,费用记在我们名下。Tom often wears a pair of brown shoes.汤姆常穿一双褐色皮鞋。There we were, stranded in the middle of nowhere with no money between the pair of us.当时,我们两个身无分文,一筹莫展。I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子那里还是晃晃荡荡的。He was caught using a pair of loaded dice. 他用一对灌铅骰子耍诈时被人逮住了。She pulled on a pair of plimsolls.她穿上了一双橡胶底帆布鞋。This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。Damn! That's the second pair of tights I've laddered today!真该死!我今天换上的第二双长筒袜也刮破了。Kim hacked off her long hair with a pair of scissors.金用剪刀剪掉了自己的长发。I've got a pair of threes.我手中有一对三。A child can go through three pairs of shoes in a month.孩子可在一个月内磨破三双鞋。She used a pair of tweezers to pluck her eyebrows.她用镊子拔眉毛。I am wearing a pair of glasses.我戴着一副眼镜。That morning I had put on a pair of old jeans.那天早晨,我穿上了一条旧牛仔裤。I need a new pair of shoes but I want to wait until they go on sale.我要买双新鞋子,但我想等到大减价的时候才买。He minced across the room in a pair of tight pink trousers.他穿着紧身粉红色裤子,扭扭捏捏地迈着小碎步穿过那间房间。She bought a pair of shoes.她买了一双鞋。Three or four sets of curls every other day will give you an impressive pair of guns.隔天做三四组前臂举重练习可以打造强壮的肱二头肌。You just spent all that money on a pair of shoes? Have you completely lost your mind?你把钱都花在这双鞋子上了?你一点儿理智都没有了吗?Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.弗拉维奥穿了一条白色的游泳裤,炫耀自己晒成棕褐色的肌肤。




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