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词汇 pair
例句 The pair remain contractually bound to Arista Records.这对组合还是签在阿里斯塔唱片公司旗下。With a broken-hearted smile, he lifted a pair of dolorous eyes.带著伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。I find the best tool for the purpose is a pair of shears.我发现做这件事最得力的工具是一把大剪刀。It feels self-indulgent spending so much on a pair of shoes.花这么多钱买一双鞋子感觉太纵容自己了。A pair of wooden beams was the only thing supporting the roof.一对木横梁便是唯一支撑房顶的东西。An extra pair of hands will make the job that much easier.再多一个帮手就会使工作容易得多。But no matter how good your boots are, take along an extra pair of socks.但是不管靴子有多好,都应该多带一双袜子。She was wearing a cool pair of shades.她戴了一副很酷的太阳镜。The pair became good friends.两个人成了好朋友。This pair of boots is letting in badly.这双靴子漏得厉害。There's an old pair of shoes of yours lying at/in the bottom of the wardrobe.衣柜最下面放着一双你的旧鞋子。Another of his lucky finds was a pair of candle-holders.他的另一个幸运发现是一对烛台。You'll need a pair of warm boots for winter.你需要一双暖和的靴子过冬。The Lyles are an unpleasantly hypocritical pair.莱尔斯夫妇虚伪得令人讨厌。A dynamo on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are going around.自行车发电机在车轮转动时可为两盏灯提供电力。If found guilty of drug trafficking, the pair could face the death penalty.如果贩毒罪名成立,二人可能面临死刑。He saw a pair of eagles, and shot the hen.他看见一对鹰,射中了那只雌的。Damn! That's the second pair of tights I've laddered today!真该死!我今天换上的第二双长筒袜也刮破了。The pair of them were both blinded by their own cockiness.他们两个人都因为自己的狂妄而变得盲目。I can run up a pair of curtains in a day.我可以在一天内赶制好一对窗帘。Tom often wears a pair of brown shoes.汤姆常穿一双褐色皮鞋。This is a villainous pair of shoes; they have ruined my feet.这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。I can't find the pair to this glove.我找不到另一只手套了。I need a new pair of trunks.我需要一条新的游泳裤。She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill.她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀。The pair surrendered to him like lambs.那两个人乖乖地向他投降。He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.他把她的双臂反扭背后,在她手腕上拷上一副手铐。In the box was a pair of exquisitely shaped old earrings.盒子内装着一副造型精致的旧耳环。My glasses are getting old and I probably need a new pair.我的眼镜旧了,可能需要换一副新的。She rewarded herself by buying a new pair of shoes.她买了双新鞋犒劳自己。My jeans were worn-out and I needed a new pair.我的牛仔裤已经穿破了,我需要买条新的。Harrison maintains that the pair were not in contact for over 10 years.哈里森坚称他们俩已超过十年没联系了。She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of shoes.她打开手提箱,拿出一双鞋。The man removed the pair of silver-rimmed glasses he was wearing.这男子摘下了所戴的那副银丝边眼镜。Then with a pair of pliers he crimped the pipe as tightly as he could.然后,他用一把钳子把管子尽可能地弄弯。The dance is usually performed by a male and female pair.这支舞通常由一男一女两人来表演。She used a pair of tongs to put some more coal on the fire.她用一把火钳往炉火上再加了一些煤。The shoes are still stylish, and as a matter of fact , I'm wearing a pair right now.这样的鞋子还是很时髦的,说真的,我现在脚上就穿着一双。The French pair were easy victors over the Williams sisters.这对法国选手轻松战胜了威廉姆斯姐妹。She used a pair of tweezers to pluck her eyebrows.她用镊子拔眉毛。




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