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词汇 painter
例句 He was a painter who produced convincing images of life in America.他是一位画家,创作的美洲生活图景令人信服。For practical and economic reasons the painter adds gel medium to his colours.从经济实用的角度出发,画家通常在颜料中加入凝胶调色剂。Gerry's ambition was to become a portrait painter.格里的志向是成为一名肖像画家。Turner was probably the greatest landscape painter that England has ever produced.透纳很可能是英国有史以来最伟大的风景画家。As a young painter, he studied under Picasso.那位画家年轻时师从毕加索。One by one these old fishing villages have been “discovered” by a prominent painter.由于一个著名画家的介绍,这些古老的渔村一个个逐渐为人们所知晓。The painter tried to depict the splendour of the sunset.画家试图描绘出日落的壮丽景象。He was principally a landscape painter.他主要是风景画画家。He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.他认识他老婆的时候他还是个油漆工,而她是个女招待。He had begun his career as a painter.他已经开始了他的画家生涯。She was a painter for years before she discovered pottery.她发现陶艺之前,当了多年画家。She's a very accomplished pianist/painter/horsewoman.她是一位很有造诣的钢琴家/很有才华的画家/技艺高超的骑师。His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light.作为画家,他的独创性在于对光的表现。He was best known as a painter.他以画家的身份出名。I love this painter's work.我喜欢这位画家的作品。Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse.朱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特,也是他灵感的源泉。You can see the strokes of the painter's brush throughout the painting.你能看出画家在整个画面中的运笔。She is a competent portrait painter but she excels with landscapes.她是个合格的肖像画家,但她更擅长风景画。The young painter's works are now on exhibition at the museum.这位青年画家的作品正在博物馆展出。I'm not really a painter; I just like to fool around with paints.我不是真正的画家,我只是喜欢随便画画。The painter stretched the canvas tightly over the frame.画家把画布紧绷在画架上。His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.他自称是位被无端埋没的伟大画家,这纯粹是自欺欺人——他根本就一无是处。The painter touched the canvas with his brush.那个画家用画笔在画布上作画。She didn't think much of him as a painter.她对他作为一位画家评价不高。The painter quite obviously set out to flatter his sitter.很显然,画家尽力美化他的模特。As a painter, he was more than just a technician; he was a creative genius.作为画家,他不仅仅是个能工巧匠,更是个有创造力的天才。The painter dipped his brush into the paint.画家拿画笔蘸颜料。She was a gifted painter but an indifferent actor.她绘画很有天分,但表演一般。He was well established as a painter.他的画家地位已很稳固。He is a mechanic by profession, and a painter, by choice.从职业上说,他是机械师,从爱好上说,他是画家。Blake is better remembered as a poet than as a painter.布莱克作为诗人比作为画家更出名。This is by the great Spanish painter, Goya.这是西班牙大画家戈雅的作品。This is the official version of the painter's biography.这是画家正式授权的传记。The film shows the painter going about his task.电影刻画了画家是如何作画的。She was a painter of still lifes.她是一位静物画家。Sir Henry Raeburn, the famous Scots portrait painter亨利·雷伯恩爵士,著名的苏格兰肖像画家She is an accomplished painter.她是位颇有建树的画家。Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task.这部电影大部分都在描述那位画家如何完全沉溺于自己的工作。She has a God-given talent as a painter.作为一个画家,她有着非凡的天赋。




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