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词汇 painfully
例句 His hand tightened painfully around her wrist.他的手紧紧握住她的手腕,弄得她生疼。Filming was painfully slow.拍电影进程很慢,很辛苦。She has made it abundantly/painfully/very clear that she does not support us.她已很明确地表示不支持我们。He labored painfully over his work.他艰难地干着自己的工作。Without surgery, this animal will die slowly and painfully.不做手术的话,这只动物会缓慢而痛苦地死去。He painfully wrote the letter.他费力地写成此封信。He was honest in a way that could be painfully blunt.他为人正直,但生硬得叫人难受。He was painfully conscious of how hard it was going to be to explain.他很烦恼,意识到要作出解释是多么地艰难。He had painfully written out a first draft.他辛苦写出了首稿。She's painfully/overly sensitive about her looks. 她对自己的容貌过于在意了。His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。New developments have been painfully slow.新的进展一直慢得令人难以忍受。Her shoulder throbbed painfully.她的肩膀痛苦地抽动着。I am painfully aware that staff have a heavy work schedule.我非常清楚员工们工作繁重。Whitlock jabbed him painfully in the back.惠特洛克戳了他的后背一下,很疼。Keegan's team is being slowly and painfully dismembered.基冈的球队正在缓慢而痛苦地瓦解。The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.离婚的事张扬出去,她十分痛苦,更加厌恶媒体了。He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.他的头撞到了碗柜上,很疼。He was painfully shy in public, but completely different at home with his family.他在公共场合非常腼腆,但是在家里和家人在一起的时候却完全两样。He was painfully aware of the emptiness of their life together.他痛苦地意识到他们在一起的日子非常空虚。My face was stinging painfully.我的脸感到刺痛。I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete.我的膝盖蹭到混凝土上,很痛。Father Poole walked painfully, with the aid of a stick.普尔神父拄着一根拐杖痛苦地行走。The strain of her work schedule was becoming painfully evident.她的工作日程越来越让她吃不消。I am painfully aware that I have made mistakes.我痛苦地意识到自己犯了错误。Her mannerisms were painfully genteel.她那种矫揉造作是假装斯文,看着让人难受。I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。They made it painfully obvious/clear that we were not welcome. 他们表现得十分明显,他们不欢迎我们。He is painfully shy of women.他见到女人就十分害羞。As a teenager I was painfully shy.我十几岁时非常害羞。After the injury she was painfully aware that her career in tennis would be over.受伤之后,她痛苦地意识到自己的网球生涯要结束了。It was painfully slow work.那是项极其耗时的工作。I was always painfully aware of my shortcomings.我一直强烈地意识到自己的缺点。Their first album was painfully frank to the point of being confessional.他们的第一张专辑是那么的坦率,近乎自白。She felt his grip tighten painfully on her wrist.她感觉他把她的手腕抓得更紧了,很疼。The jokes are painfully unfunny.这些玩笑无趣到令人难受。This was painfully banal television.这档电视节目老套得让人看不下去。It was a painfully slow journey.那是一次慢得让人难受的旅程。The road to peace is a painfully slow process.和平之路是个非常漫长的过程。As a teenager, I was painfully shy.我十几岁的时候非常害羞。




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