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词汇 paid off
例句 Two hundred workers have been paid off.两百名工人拿到工资被解雇了。He paid off the debt of his friend with the money raised by his writings.他用稿费的收入偿清了朋友的债务。I took a gamble and it seems to have paid off.我冒了一下险,似乎已经有了好结果。I took a calculated gamble and it paid off.我精心计划,赌了一把,结果成功了。It is expected that another twenty will be paid off before long.另外的20人估计将在不久被资遣。In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.在腐败泛滥的社会中,由于要花钱打点更多的政客和官员,决策的制定会被拖慢。The little vessel paid off from the wind.小船逆风而行。She finally got her car paid off. 她最终还清了买车所借的钱。He paid off the debt as soon as possible.他尽快地还完了债务。They paid off the mortgage and own their house free and clear.他们还清了住房贷款,完全拥有自己的居屋。The company has paid off some redundant employees.公司在发放薪资后解雇了一些多余的雇员。He paid off the loan six months early.他提前六个月把贷款还清了。I've paid off my mortgage and now I own the property free and clear. 我已经还清按揭贷款,现在我完全拥有了房屋的产权。There were suspicions that officials had been paid off.有人怀疑官员们被买通了。Once the loan is paid off, Jones will be in a position to run the casino himself.贷款一还清,琼斯就能自己经营赌场了。Chandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.钱德拉决心做一名医生,她的坚持不懈得到了回报。They paid off all their workers and then closed the factory.他们付清所有工人的工资后关闭了工厂。The tactic paid off.这一招奏效了。This carrot and stick approach has paid off.这个奖惩并用的方法取得了成效。My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.我对自己权利的坚持终于获得了回报。This was one risk that paid off.这是一个成功的冒险。He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.他硬着头皮干下去,希望能有几个人加入进来。这一招奏效了。Ellen had to admit the gamble had paid off.埃伦不得不承认这一把赌赢了。His perseverance with the new technique paid off.他坚持使用新技术,终于获得了回报。His strong-arm tactics paid off.他的强制手段效果很好。She's finally paid off her mortgage debt. 她终于还清了住房按揭贷款。The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous.只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。Despite the serious doubts of his advisors, the President's gamble paid off.尽管顾问们都持十分怀疑的态度,但总统的冒险成功了。It was a risk and it paid off.这有危险,但是回报丰厚。Her persistence paid off when she was offered the job of manager.她坚持不懈终于有了回报,得到了经理的职位。I've paid off my debts.我已把债款还清了。We paid off all our debts.我们还清了所有的债。In the end, his brilliant legal footwork paid off.最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。Walter will be paid off for his negligence.华尔特将因他的失职而受到处罚。She was determined to succeed and her persistence paid off.她下定决心要成功,而她的坚持也得到了回报。We've paid off the mortgage, so we're sitting pretty now.我们已经还清抵押贷款,现在轻松了。Alighting from the taxi, she paid off the driver.她从出租车上下来,把钱付给司机。All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.她的所有努力最终得到了回报,她终于通过了考试。There were rumours that key witnesses had been paid off to keep quiet.传言说关键证人都被收买,不肯出面作证。Starting her own business was a gamble, but it paid off.创办她自己的企业是一场冒险,但是她成功了。




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