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词汇 padding
例句 It's the padding and type of springs used that give a mattress its softness.是所用的垫料和弹簧使得床垫有柔软的感觉。He hoped that by padding his résumé his lack of experience would be overlooked.他希望通过拉长简历使人忽略他经验不足的短处。Another quarter-inch of foam padding would make its seats perfect.它的座椅要是加一个四分之一英寸厚的泡沫垫就更舒服了。Mattresses consist of springs sandwiched between padding.床垫由垫子中间夹弹簧制成。These shoes have extra padding in the heel.这些鞋子的鞋跟额外增加了衬垫。The shoe has padding for added comfort.这款鞋带有衬垫,以增加舒适感。If you remove the padding from his speech you can see that he offers no new ideas.你如果把他讲话中的废话都剔除的话,就会发现他没提出任何新主张。He was charged with padding expense claims and telephone bills.他被指控虚报开支和电话费。The cat came padding silently back to its home.那只猫悄无声息地回家来了。It could have been an interesting essay, but there was too much padding.这本来可以是一篇有趣的文章,可里面的废话太多了。She was still padding about at two in the morning.凌晨两点,她仍然拖着沉重的脚步走来走去。The cat came padding softly across the kitchen floor, and jumped onto my lap.猫儿轻轻穿过厨房跳到我腿上。Players must wear padding to protect them from injury.运动员必须戴防护垫以免受伤。The shoe has padding around the collar, heel and tongue for added comfort.鞋子的鞋帮、鞋跟和鞋舌部位都有衬垫,以增加舒适度。The essay was overwritten and full of padding.这篇文章篇幅过长,满篇废话。The chair has comfortable padding over a metal frame.这把椅子的金属框架上套有舒适的衬垫。




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