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词汇 pack up
例句 I'm about to pack up my things and go home.我准备收拾东西回家。Do you think he's going to pack up this job too?你认为他也打算辞去这份工作吗?The engine packed up just before we reached Paris.我们快要到达巴黎时,发动机坏了。They packed up at nine o'clock in the morning because of rain.因为下雨,他们上午九点就不干活了。The company will probably pack up and move south.这家公司可能会了结业务后南迁。He packed up his teaching job after only three months.仅仅三个月后他就辞去了教职。With appallingly bad grace I packed up and we drove north.我很不情愿地收拾好行囊,然后我们驱车向北开去。You should pack up your tools at the end of the day.一天工作结束后你应当收拾工具。Ice packed up against the car glasses,and the visibility was just about nil.汽车的玻璃上结了严严实实的一层冰,能见度几乎等于零。If you don't do your work better, you might as well pack up.如果你不更好地干活,还是卷铺盖走吧。The food was packed up for distribution to outlying communities.食品打好了包,以便运送到边远地区。You're not going to have a lot of time to pack up your stuff before you move.你在搬家前没有许多时间收拾东西了。In the end it was his lungs that packed up.最后,是他的肺不行了。The camera had packed up.照相机出了故障。He packed up and left town.他收拾行装出了城。I think we might as well pack up and go home.我想我们还是打点行装回家好了。We asked Verity to pack up her belongings immediately.我们让维里蒂马上收拾行李。When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.马克斯被开除后,全家人不得不收拾行李,离开城镇。They packed up and went home.他们打点行囊,回家了。They won't know what to do if a pipe bursts or if the heater packs up.如果管道爆裂或取暖器出了问题,他们是不知道该如何处理的。Tonca and her family packed up and headed for Austria.汤嘉和家人收拾行李前往奥地利。I could have packed up midway through the season, but I didn't.我本来可能会在赛季中途退赛,但是我没有。He packed up the possessions he had and moved out.他收拾好自己的财物后就搬走了。He has packed up the papers.他已经把文件包装好了。Our car packed up.我们的车抛锚了。If you don't work well, you'd better pack up.如果你不努力工作,最好还是卷铺盖走吧。The old man quietly packed up in his sleep.老人在睡眠中安静地死去。When we packed up the tent in the morning, he showed me bear tracks, saying " That was a close one!"我们早上收帐篷的时候,他一边让我看熊的足迹,一边说:“好险!”She packs up when things become difficult.一碰到困难,她就不干了。Ice packed up against the car glasses,and visibility was just about nil.汽车的窗玻璃上结了严严实实的一层冰,能见度几乎是零。He was told by the boss to pack up.老板告诉他,他被解雇了。The engine has packed up.What's wrong with it?发动机不转了,怎么回事呀?The lift has packed up, so you'll have to take the stairs to her flat.电梯出故障了,所以你得走楼梯去她公寓。It was time to pack up.收工的时间到了。We packed up and trundled down to the countryside.我们收拾好行装,乘车到农村去。She packed up her job, and went off to Australia.她辞职去了澳大利亚。Everyone packed up and went home.大家都收工回家了。The engine packed up just before we reached Paris.就在我们快要到达巴黎时,发动机坏了。It's time to pack up. Let's have lunch.收工的时间到了,我们吃饭去。She packed up her teaching job after five years.五年后,她辞掉了教职。




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