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词汇 owner
例句 The house had been renovated by the previous owner.前一位房主翻修过这栋房子。She is the car's true owner.她是这辆车的合法所有人。When the owner of the hotel came to collect the money he found that his guests had done a moonlight.当旅馆老板来收账时发觉旅客已乘黑夜溜了。She's the proud owner of a new car.她有了新车,得意扬扬。The owner of the house had barred the back door.屋主把后门闩起来了。The employees were given a day off to watch the owner's horse run at York races.为了去观看雇主的马在约克赛马中的表现,雇员们放假一天。The team's owner ditched the head coach.球队老板解雇了主教练。In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during the lifetime of the home owner.许多情况下业主有生之年都没有把这笔可变现的财产变现。He blagged his way in by saying he was a friend of the owner.他骗人家说自己是主人的朋友,就混了进去。The coach dug his own grave when he publicly insulted the team's owner.教练公开侮辱球队的老板,他这是在自讨苦吃。The property should be returned to its rightful owner.这份财产应该归还给它的法定所有人。There is a fine distinction between stealing and borrowing without the owner's consent.盗窃与未经主人同意的借用之间差别很难界定。The town's people often barter with the owner of the store.镇上居民经常与店主进行以物易物的交易。The store owner charged off all the last season's stock of suits.店主把上一季度的全部服装作为损耗在账上注销。We thought the owner would agree to sell us the house but we were pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.我们以为房主会同意把房子卖给我们,可是眼看要成交时,有人出更大的价钱把房子买去了。The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English.餐馆老板只会讲洋泾浜英语。The builder of the house was a direct ancestor of the present owner.建造这幢房子的人就是它现在主人的一位直系祖先。I'm not the sort of newspaper owner who meddles with editorial policy.我不是那种干涉编辑方针的报社老板。Do you know who the car's original owner is?你知道这辆车原来的主人是谁吗?Here's the owner's manual of your new car.这是您新车的使用手册。The assessor stated that the fire damage was not as severe as the hotel's owner had claimed.保险估价员说火灾造成的损失并没有旅店老板声称的那样严重。Light luggage may be left at the owner's risk.轻便行李可以寄存,风险由所有人自己承担。The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and implanted in the dog's body.主人的姓名和地址都储存在芯片中,然后植入狗体内。Conveying a property from one owner to another calls for meticulous attention to detail.将房产从所有人转让给他人时需要特别注意细节。One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables.有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。The land was compulsorily purchased from the owner to make way for the new road.这块地是从业主那里强行买回来以便新路通过。The former owner had not left any forwarding address.以前的房主没有留下任何转递地址。The team's miserly owner refused to pay for new equipment.这个队的小气老板不愿意花钱购置新设备。He's the son of a struggling drugstore owner.他是一个艰难谋生的药房老板之子。Car for sale: one careful owner, low mileage.售车:车主用车仔细,行驶里程数少。Every home owner should take precautions against fire.每个房主都应采取预防措施,防止火灾发生。She opened the purse in an effort to trace the owner.她打开钱包想弄清谁是钱包的主人。He has to return the property under the terms of an agreement he has with the original owner.按照与原业主签署的契约条款,他必须归还这个地产。An inheritance is in abeyance when the rightful owner has not been determined.合法物主尚未确定时,继承权暂缓决定。There is no objection on the part of the owner of the house.屋主没有什么异议。The land was returned to its original owner.这块土地归还给了原主。The dog was barking and growling at me until its owner called it off.那条狗对着我狂吠,直到主人喊它才安静下来。The restaurant's owner and chef are one and the same person. 这家餐馆的老板和主厨是同一个人。I naturally took him to be the owner of the estate.我自然而然地把他当成了庄园的主人。The dog pined away when its owner died.主人死的时候,狗异常悲伤。




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