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词汇 overly
例句 It's what you and I might call a grind, someone who is overly assiduous in hitting the books.这是个你我都会称之为刻苦用功的学生,读书极其认真勤勉。This analysis is overly simplified.这一分析过于简化。She's overly sensitive to criticism.她对批评过于敏感了。The novel disappoints by being predictable and overly long.这部小说因其情节老套且篇幅冗长而令读者失望。The review panel criticized the payments as overly generous.审查小组批评这些开销太过手松。She felt overly stressed and needed to calm down.她感到自己过度紧张,需要镇定下来。Your views on economics are overly simplistic.你对经济学的看法过于简单。I am not overly enamoured with the prospect of going back there.我对回到那里没抱太大希望。The company was overly optimistic in its sale projections.这家公司的销售预测过于乐观。He patted her back in an overly familiar way.他拍了拍她的背,显得有些过分亲昵。I'm not overly fond of cooking.我不怎么喜欢烹饪。When you write, avoid sandwiching the bad news between an irrelevant, indirect, or overly cushioned beginning and end.写作时,要避免在毫不相关、拐弯抹角或过度铺垫的开头和结尾之间插入坏消息。I was not overly impressed by the proposals.我对这些提议印象平平。Paula Abdul gives some advice to an overly chatty contestant.葆拉·阿卜杜勒给一名过于健谈的选手提了些建议。I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but it changed my life.我不想听起来太夸张,但它的确改变了我的人生。I think you're being overly critical.我觉得你批评得太过了。You can be overly modest and undersell yourself.人们有时候会过度谦虚、贬低自己。The new system is overly complex.这个新制度过于复杂。He was overly confident, perhaps to the point of arrogance.他过度自信,也许到了自负的地步。Some people have accused me of being overly negative.有些人指责我过于消极。These directions are overly complex.这些说明太过复杂了。It is a problem, but we're not overly worried about it.这是个问题,但我们没有为此过于担忧。He accuses his political opponents of being overly friendly toward special interests.他谴责政治对手过于支持特殊利益。Many feel that advertising on the Internet has become overly intrusive.很多人觉得因特网上的广告已变得过于烦人。Her husband tried to shift the blame by accusing her of being overly suspicious.她丈夫指责她多疑猜忌,试图以此来推脱责任。He isn't overly excitable.他不会那么容易就兴奋起来。It wasn't an overly exciting moment.这个时刻并不令人过度兴奋。They didn't seem overly concerned about the problem.他们似乎没太关注这个问题。Employers may become overly cautious about taking on new staff.雇主在雇用新员工的问题上可能会变得过于谨慎。The writers' approach is not overly academic.这些作者的方法不太有学术性。He avoids being overly/too familiar with his employees.他避免与自己的雇员走得太近。The role is not overly demanding.这个角色要求并不太高。The story itself sometimes feels overly schematic.这个故事本身有时让人觉得过于刻板。I'm not overly familiar with these issues.我对这些问题不太熟悉。His films have been criticized for being overly violent.人们批评他的电影过于暴力。Don became the overly strict authoritarian he felt his brother needed.顿成为了一个他觉得哥哥需要的极度刻薄的独裁者。The gloomy forecasts are based on overly conservative projections of growth.这些悲观的预测是基于对经济增长过度保守的估计。He wasn't overly eager to give us any information.他并未过于急切地要告诉我们什么消息。Earlier sales forecasts were overly optimistic.早先的销售预测过于乐观了。His critics say it may have been overly simplistic to use only two experimental methods.他的批评者说仅仅使用两种实验方法未免过于简单化。




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