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词汇 overgrown
例句 The yard was overgrown with weeds.这个院子长满了杂草。Jim is just an overgrown schoolboy.吉姆不过是个大孩子。We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds.我们匆匆往前走,来到一个野草丛生的院子。The garden was neglected and overgrown.这座花园未被妥善照管,到处杂草丛生。Lightly prune back the overgrown shoots of evergreens.对常青树长势过猛的嫩枝稍加修剪。The park was overgrown and littered from years of neglect.因多年无人管理,公园杂草丛生,杂乱无章。Stop acting like an overgrown schoolboy.别再像个大孩子似的。The canal bank was thickly overgrown with bushes.运河岸边灌木丛生。The garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.花园里长满了诸如山楂、黑莓之类的木本植物。A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees.沼泽低地通常是灌木丛生或长满树木。The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.我们回来的时候,花园里会长满杂草。We arrived at a tumbledown cottage, surrounded by overgrown rose bushes and a broken fence.我们来到一座残破的茅屋前,四周玫瑰丛生,破烂的篱笆环绕。Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小路上很多地方都长满了山楂树。The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash…院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。They allowed the garden to become overgrown with weeds.他们任凭花园杂草丛生。They're acting like overgrown kids. 他们表现得就像是一群大孩子一样。As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around the overgrown garden.取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。He acts like an overgrown child.他行事就像一个大小孩。We hurried on until we reached a courtyard that was overgrown with weeds.我们匆忙前往,来到了一个杂草丛生的庭院。The weeds have overgrown the garden.花园里杂草丛生。The rosebush has overgrown its support.玫瑰丛已长得高于花架。The overgrown garden gave the house a neglected air.植物疯长的花园使这座房子给人一种疏于照管的感觉。Cottonwood has become an overgrown town with inadequate facilities.科顿伍德已经成了一个人口过多设施不足的镇子。The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash.院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.铁锹插入了一丛浓密的矮树丛中。I led Lee around the overgrown garden.我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.灌木恣意蔓生,现在把花园的入口都掩盖了起来。At that point the path got narrower and more overgrown with weeds.在那个地方,小路变得狭窄起来,而且杂草蔓生。He's an overgrown boy with infantile humour to match.他是一个长不大的男孩,带着幼稚的幽默。The vines have overgrown the wall.墙上爬满了藤蔓。The path was completely overgrown.路上杂草丛生。The garden is overgrown with weeds.花园里杂草丛生。




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