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The bank refused to okay his overdraft.银行拒绝允许他账户透支。The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of the half-yearly payments.因为是每半年定期还款,所以透支额度还算高。He ran up a huge overdraft during his year in office.他在任期间积欠了大笔透支。I've already got an enormous overdraft.我已经大量透支了。The bank may ask for security if you want an overdraft.你如要透支,银行可能会要求抵押品。Do you have an overdraft facility at your bank?你们银行有透支服务吗?I'll have to speak to my bank manager and get an extension on my overdraft.为了获得透支展期,我得与银行经理谈谈。He finally paid his overdraft off.他终于还清了透支款。Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action.银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。This cheque should clear my overdraft.这张支票应该能帮我还清透支的款项。I don't want to go over my overdraft limit.我不想超出我的透支限额。Her bank warned that, unless she repaid the overdraft, she could face legal action.银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。It is very useful to have an overdraft facility.有透支服务用处很大。I must get in touch with the bank and arrange an overdraft.我必须和银行联系安排透支的事。 |