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词汇 oven
例句 I'll put the lasagne in the oven to warm it up.我把这意大利千层面放到炉子里热一热。It dawned on me that I'd left the oven on.我突然想起烘箱未曾关掉。He opened the oven door and slid the pan of cookies in.他打开烤箱门,把甜饼烤盘滑了进去。There's nothing better than fresh bread, straight from the oven.再也没有什么比刚出炉的新鲜面包更好的了。Bake them in a warm oven until risen and golden brown.放在热烤炉中烘烤,直至发酵胀起并呈焦黄色。The inside of the oven was filthy.烤箱的内壁很脏。She was roasting a leg of lamb in the oven.她正在用烤箱烤羔羊腿。We cooked the fish in the microwave oven.我们在微波炉中煮鱼。A microwave oven cooks food in a fraction of the time required by a normal oven.用微波炉烹饪食物,所需时间只是普通烤炉的一小部分。The chicken is browning in the oven.鸡肉在烤箱里烤成褐色了。It's like an oven here.这儿热得像个烤箱。She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm.她滤煮好咖啡,然后把羊角面包放进烤箱加热。Open the window. It's like an oven in here.打开窗户吧,这里热得像火炉。You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.荷兰炖锅能做出的美食之多会让你大吃一惊。Put the oven onto its hottest setting.把烤箱的温度调到最高档。The toaster oven shorted out.吐司炉短路了。Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven.往米中倒入大量凉水,然后放在炉子上。Remove the dish from the oven, crack the salt crust, and you will find the skin just peels off the fish.把盘子从烤箱里拿出来,弄碎鱼表面的那层盐,鱼皮就会从鱼身上剥落下来了。A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven.专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。Just bung it in the oven.把它放进烤箱就好。Cleaning the oven is such a performance.清理烤箱真是一件苦差。She set the timer on the oven for one hour.她把烤箱定时一小时。Put both cake pans in the oven for half an hour.把两个蛋糕烤模都放在烤箱里烤半小时。Put both cake tins in the oven for half an hour.把两个蛋糕烤模都放在烤箱里烤半小时。Bake the cake in a preset oven.在预置时间的烤箱里烘焙蛋糕。You'll hear a ping when the oven switches off.烤箱关闭时,你会听到叮的一声。We're modernizing our kitchen with a new oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher.我们为厨房添加了新的烤箱、冰箱和洗碗机,让它变得更为现代化。While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most food tastes better when it is cooked in a conventional oven.虽然微波炉加热食物的速度比较快,但是大多数食物用传统烤箱做出来味道更佳。Put the meat in the oven to roast.把肉放到炉子里去烤。A microwave oven can make light work of the cooking.微波炉能轻松烹饪食物。Bread which has just come out of the oven is often still squidgy in the middle.新鲜出炉的面包往往中间还是湿软的。Put it in the oven for a few moments just to take the chill off it.把它放到微波炉里热一下。You forgot to turn the oven off!你忘记关炉子了!We bake bread and cake in an oven.我们用烤箱烘面包与糕点。As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven.蛋糕一烤好就从烤箱里取出来。In the summer her mobile home heats up like an oven.到了夏天,她的活动房屋就会像烤箱一样热起来。The bread crisped in the oven.面包在炉子里烤脆了。Don't bake potatoes in the oven, zap them in the microwave - dinner in 10 minutes! 别用烤箱烤土豆,用微波炉吧——晚餐十分钟就好。You have perfect timing. I just took dinner out of the oven.你来得正好,我刚把晚餐端出烤炉。Two cakes is the most that I can bake in my oven at one time.我的烤箱一次最多能烤两个蛋糕。




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