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词汇 outspoken
例句 The president's former adviser is now one of his most outspoken opponents.总统的前顾问现在成了他最直言不讳的反对者之一。Though best known for the funny and outspoken roles that she plays on screen, offstage she is shy and rather serious.虽然在银幕上她以扮演滑稽可笑、口无遮拦的角色而闻名,但在现实生活中,她既腼腆又相当严肃。She has made outspoken remarks about the legalisation of cannabis in Britain.她对英国关于大麻的立法进行了大胆评论。He became an outspoken opponent of the old Soviet system.他成为旧的苏联体制直言不讳的抨击者。He was an outspoken critic of apartheid.他公开抨击种族隔离制度。His outspoken remarks made him an easy target for the opposition.他那些直率的话使自己成为易受反对党攻击的人。He is a fierce/loud/outspoken critic of tax reform.他是税法改革的强烈反对者。Far from lying low, Kay became more outspoken than ever.凯根本没有保持低调,反而比以往更加直言不讳。I like a man none the worse for being outspoken.我并不因一个人直言不讳而讨厌他。He urged the timid boy to be a little more outspoken about his desires.他鼓励那胆怯的男孩更直率地谈出他的愿望。Mr Masack is an outspoken critic of the present government.马塞克先生是一位对现政府直言不讳的批评家。She has been an outspoken advocate/supporter of women's rights throughout her life.她一生都是女权运动的直言不讳的支持者。My father was an outspoken critic of the war. = He was outspoken in his criticism of the war.我父亲是直言不讳的战争批判者。She's a peppery, outspoken woman.她是个脾气急躁、直言不讳的女人。The president's outspoken remarks have riled conservatives.总统坦率的话语激怒了保守党人。He is frank and outspoken and never beats about the bush.他有意见就坦率地提出来,从不转弯抹角。Far from lying low, Kuti became more outspoken than ever.库蒂不但没暂避风头,而且较以往更加直言不讳。She's very outspoken about political issues.她谈到政治问题直言不讳。She's an outspoken opponenent of the government.她直言自己反政府。Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya.一些宗教领袖一直都公开表示支持肯尼亚的政治改革。She's been an outspoken feminist for over twenty years.二十多年来,她一直是个直言不讳的女权主义者。He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years.他近些年发表了一连串直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说。He is regarded as one of Congress's most outspoken critics of television violence.他被视为国会中对电视暴力最直言不讳的批评者之一。His outspoken views scandalized the nation.他直言不讳的言论让全国震惊。The outspoken minister has become a liability to the government. 这位快人快语的部长成了政府的麻烦。




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