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词汇 outside in
例句 Wait outside in case you can be useful.等在外面,也许你可以帮点儿忙。Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.不少人在外面的炎炎烈日下吃饭。They heard voices coming from outside in the corridor.他们听到外面的走廊上有人说话。I think spending a day outside in the sunshine would do you a power of good. 我认为在户外阳光下待上一天对你的身心大有裨益。Amy sat outside in the sun.埃米坐在外面太阳底下。A rather bedraggled crowd waited outside in the pouring rain.一群满身泥污的人在倾盆大雨中在外面等着。Amy sat outside in the sun while Gerald despatched his business.埃米坐在外面晒太阳,而杰拉尔德则忙着处理个人事务。Will you wait outside in the corridor?请你在外面走廊里等着好吗? The birds will winter outside in an aviary.鸟儿们将在外面的大鸟笼里过冬。Children were playing outside in the street.孩子们在外面街上玩。He was standing outside in the pouring rain. 他站在外面淋着倾盆大雨。Coming from outside in the street was the sound of children playing.外面街道上传来孩子们玩耍的声音。Someone was waiting outside in the passage.有人在外面的走廊等着。I was outside in the yard, so I didn't hear the phone.我在外面院子里,所以没有听到电话铃响。Have you been waiting outside in the rain?你一直在外面雨中等着吗?Don't go outside in your stocking feet!别只穿袜子不穿鞋到外面去!We would resist any armed intervention from outside in our country's affairs.我们将抵制任何来自外部的对我国事务的武装干涉。Two cops were sitting outside in a cruiser.两名警察坐在一辆巡逻车外面。We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.我们只好在外面的走廊上等候叫我们的名字。He waited outside in the hall.他在外面大厅等候。We waited outside in the corridor until it was our turn to go in.我们一直在走廊外面等待轮到我们进去为止。The boxes were left outside in the damp.这些盒子被放在潮湿的室外。




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