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词汇 out of office
例句 When a cabinet goes out of office, it carries the entire ministry with it.内阁离任时,全体阁员随同离职。He stepped out of office and sought pastures new.他辞去公职去谋求更好的差使。They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office.他们对这些政客感到极其厌烦,希望通过选举将其赶下台。It was a well-organized plan to maneuver company president John Woolford out of office.那是一个精心安排的计划,目的是要把公司总裁约翰·伍尔福德赶下台。The minister was drummed out of office when it was discovered that he had been taking bribes.受贿的事情败露后那位部长被迫下台。Elections were held, and the government was thrown out of office.举行了选举,政府被赶下台。He claims the media hounded him out of office.他声称是媒体迫使他离职的。The party has been out of office for a long time.该政党已经在野很久了。They cannot join forces to vote her out of office.他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台。He was chucked out of office for taking bribes.他因为受贿而被革职。There is a general view around that he has been hounded out of office by the press.人们普遍认为他不堪舆论压力被迫离职。He was voted out of office.他落选离任。The opposition parties combined to drive the Prime Minister out of office.反对党联合起来把首相赶下了台。The people clamoured him out of office.人们大声疾呼,把他赶下了台。The newspapers clamoured him out of office.报纸的喧哗把他赶下了台。The council legislated him out of office.理事会根据法律解除了他的职务。The party has broken all the promises it made when out of office.该党违背了在野时所作的所有承诺。The chances are that the government will be voted out of office.有可能政府会被选下台。The besom of reform has swept him out of office.改革中他被赶下了台。He was pitched out of office last year after a series of blunders.他去年犯了一系列大错之后,被逐出了办公室。She was muscled out of office by political opponents.她遭政治对手逼迫离职。He got booted out of office in the last election.他在上次选举中被赶下了台。




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