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词汇 out loud
例句 Take no notice, I'm just thinking out loud.别当回事,我只是在自言自语而已。He stopped himself from laughing out loud.他忍住不让自己大声笑出来。I laughed out loud.我大笑出声。He threw his head back and laughed out loud.他仰头大笑。He began to count out loud on his fingers.他开始扳着手指大声数数。Carrie laughed out loud, and there was an awkward silence.卡丽大声地笑了出来,接着便是一阵尴尬的沉默。He felt a sudden compulsion to laugh out loud.他突然感到有一种要大声笑出来的冲动。She picked up a thick volume and began to read out loud.她拿起一本大部头书,开始大声朗读。Roberta's mouth twitched as she tried to stop herself laughing out loud.罗伯塔抽动着嘴巴,拼命地忍住不让自己大声笑出来。He stopped abruptly, suddenly afraid to say the words out loud.他一下子停住了,突然害怕大声说出那些话。No, I wasn't talking to you. I was just thinking out loud.不,我不是在和你交谈,我只是说出我的想法而已。I had to check the urge to laugh out loud.我只得憋住不让自己大声笑出来。It looked so funny that I almost laughed out loud.太滑稽了,我差点儿放声大笑起来。Each child reads out loud.每个小孩都大声朗读。Harriet laughed out loud in astonishment.哈丽雅特吃惊得大声笑了出来。Wodehouse is one of the few writers who can make me laugh out loud.沃德豪斯是少数几位能令我捧腹大笑的作家之一。She doesn't like to read out loud in class.她不喜欢在班上大声朗读。Students were asked to read simple dialogues out loud.学生被要求大声朗读简单的对话。The message goes out loud and clear.信息响亮而明白无误地发出去了。How does a poem change when you read it out loud as opposed to it being on the page?将写在纸上的诗大声读出来会有怎样的不同?I had to read the essay out loud in front of the whole school.我不得不在整个学校面前大声朗读这篇文章。Repressing an impulse to laugh out loud, she thanked him and walked out.她抑制住想大笑的冲动,谢过他后就走出去了。I could scarcely forbear from laughing out loud.我忍不住笑出声来。After he went blind, she would read out loud to him from his favorite books.他眼睛瞎了以后,她给他朗读他最喜爱的书。Even Ford, who seldom smiled, laughed out loud a few times.即使是很少笑的福特,有几次也笑出声来。Read the second page out loud.大声朗读第二页。John threw back his head and laughed out loud.约翰突然仰头大笑起来。I laughed out loud when I read the book.我读那本书时放声大笑。Read it out loud, so we can all hear.大声念出来,这样我们都能听到。As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it hardly made any sense.他朗读这首诗时完全不合韵律,致使诗歌听上去毫无意义。We all listened as he read the statement out loud.他大声宣读声明的时候我们都听着。He wasn't telling me. He was just thinking out loud.他并不是在讲给我听,只不过是自言自语地把脑子里想的说出口来罢了。He began to read out loud.他开始大声读起来。We couldn't help laughing out loud at the comedy of the situation.这滑稽场面让我们忍不住大笑起来。I laughed out loud when I saw him.看到他,我大声笑了出来。Oh, for crying out loud, just listen to me!噢,真是岂有此理,你们听我说!




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