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例句 His voters are likely to come out in a blizzard, but mine are likely to need some inducement.他的选民可能会踊跃参与投票,而我的选民则可能需要做一些劝说。He lives by himself in a cabin out in the back of beyond. 他独自住在偏远地区的一个小木屋里。My hair fell out in clumps.我的头发一蓬一蓬地脱落。The pilot was hiding out in the woods.飞行员躲在树林里。The patrolman stepped out in front of the truck to flag it down.巡警走出来站到卡车前面,挥手示意让它停下。They go out in all weathers.无论天气好坏他们都会外出。We vegged out in front of the TV all afternoon.整个下午我们都在电视机前消磨时光。By sheer luck we managed to get out in time.万幸的是,我们总算及时逃了出来。Well, the daffodils are out in the gardens and they're always a beautiful show.哎呀,花园里的黄水仙开了,它们永远都是一道亮丽的风景。Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠,也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold.一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒冷中冻死了。A dog ran straight out in front of my car.一条狗直往外跑,跑到我的车前面。When I changed to a new soap I came out in a terrible rash.我换了块新香皂,结果就起了严重的疹子。New-born birds stay in their nest while their mother goes out in search of food.刚出生的小鸟留在巢里,而它们的母亲则出去觅食。Leaders urged people to turn out in large numbers to repudiate the violence.领导们力劝人们集体出面反对暴力。It didn't take much exercise to make him break out in (a) sweat.他还没怎么运动就开始出汗了。Leave your coat out in the hallway.把大衣放在外面的门厅里。We almost ran into a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us without signalling.我们差点就撞上了一辆劳斯莱斯,它在我们前面没打信号就开了出来。The salt blooms out in the air.盐在空气里风化。Reports of official graft and profiteering were blacked out in the press.有关官吏贪污受贿和牟取暴利的报道被禁止在报上发表。These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.这些结果与在澳大利亚进行的其他医学测试的结果截然不同。Some prodigies peter out in their teens.有些天才儿童到了十几岁就不行了。Nico looked trim and well turned out in a new dark suit.尼科穿着深色的新西装,看上去匀称漂亮。Parents stood out in the rain waiting to collect their children from school.家长冒雨站在外面等着接孩子放学。His stories were later brought out in an omnibus edition.他的小说后来出版了廉价普及本。Her hair stood out in spikes.她的头发一簇簇竖立着。I planned to sleep out in the woods.我计划在树林中露宿His name was picked out in gold lettering.用了金色字母,他的名字显得很醒目。She was trigged out in her best for the date.为了约会,她进行了精心的打扮。This doesn't mean we're hanging out in scuzzy old tracksuits.这并不意味着我们要穿着又脏又旧的运动服到外面晃荡。The vines are planted out in straight rows.葡萄是呈一行行直线种植的。She spoke out in defense of justice. 为维护正义,她大胆直言。Try not to worry. I'm sure everything will work out in the end.不要担心,我相信最后问题总会解决的。The farm workers were broiling out in the hot sun.农场工人们在炎炎烈日之下快被烤焦了。The first thing that stands out in his speech is that he didn't put us in the picture at all about the war.他根本就没把战争的最新情况告诉我们,这是他讲话中最引人注目的地方。People living near the crash scene paid no attention when they heard the aircraft's engine cut out in mid-air.住在失事地点附近的居民听见这架飞机的引擎在半空中停下时并未加以注意。The garden was laid out in a formal pattern.这个花园是按正规式样布置的。The city was turned inside out in the hunt for the terrorists.这座城市在搜捕恐怖分子时给兜底查遍。They lived out in the country, miles from nowhere.他们住在乡下,离任何有人的地方还有好几英里。The garden is laid out in a formal pattern.这花园是按规则的几何图形设计的。




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