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词汇 back
例句 They led us back to the office.他们带我们回到办公室。The seat is adjustable to fit the contours of your back.座位可以调整,以适合背部的曲线。He put his back against the car, braced his legs and pushed.他用背顶着汽车,绷紧双腿,然后推了起来。When there's work to be done, she doesn't hang back.要干事的时候,她从不退缩。Ken tipped up the wheelbarrow, then stood back to rest.肯斜放好独轮手推车,然后站到后面去休息。We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.我们沿原路返回,想回到正确的路线上。France won back Alsace and Lorraine after World War I.第一次世界大战后法国收回了阿尔萨斯和洛林。He would, of course, report back on all deliberations.当然,他会汇报整个审议过程的情况。She coiled her hair at the back of her head.她把头发盘在脑后。Satellites receive signals in space and send them back to Earth.卫星在太空接收信号并发送回地球。You can park your car in back.你可以把车停到后面。You can take the back roads through the mountains and then rejoin the motorway later.你可以选择走山里的小路,然后再回到高速公路上去。Get back – he's got a gun!闪开,他有枪!We'll be back with more after a short break.短暂广告之后还有更多内容。Bringing back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.恢复死刑对于减少犯罪根本无济于事。Someday I'll get you back for this!总有一天我会和你算这笔账!One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre, and took it back to the station to be patched.其中一个机修工卸下坏轮胎,把它带回维修站修补。A bomb blast had weakened an area of brick on the back wall.一颗炸弹爆炸使后墙一片砖结构区域墙体发生松动。He was about to leave when his wife called him back.他正要走时,妻子把他叫了回来。Tongue lolling, the dog came charging back from the forest.那只狗吐着舌头从树林里飞奔回来。This could put cider back on the map as one of our great national drinks.这有可能让苹果酒重回我们的最佳国饮之列。When he told me his name, it all came flooding back.当他告诉我他的名字时,所有往事都突然涌现出来。Money from the increased taxes will be ploughed back into the health system.加税收到的钱将被投入到卫生事业中去。He said he would check back in half an hour.他说半个小时后再联系。Can you hear me clearly at the back?你们在后面能听清我说话吗?Regular reports are fed back to senior managers.定期报告反馈到高层经理人员那里。We had to relay what he said to his employees and then relay back to him their answer.我们只得把他的话转告雇员们,然后再把雇员们的答复反过来告诉他。There was no going back to the life she had.她无法再回到从前的生活。Long dark hair tumbled down her back.乌黑的长发垂落在她的背上。We all went back to Alan's for lunch.我们都回到艾伦家吃午餐。Heidi was getting back at me for not ringing her.因为我没给海迪打电话,她在报复我。There's a spot in the middle of my back that itches - can you scratch it for me?我背部中间有块地方很痒,你能帮我挠一下吗?The president has the wind at his back on this issue.在这个问题上,总统处于有利地位。She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open.她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。Peel this label back to see if you have won a prize.撕开这张标签看看你有没有中奖。My mom is not fat! Take it back!我妈不胖!收回你说的话!Not only the back gate but the whole perimeter fence would have sentries on look-out.不光后门,四周栅栏都会有哨兵警戒。Everyone thought she was well until a sudden relapse sent her back to the hospital.在她旧病突发被再次送入医院之前,大家都以为她身体挺好的。The President betrayed them when he went back on his promise not to raise taxes.总统因未能履行不增税的承诺而失信于他们。Her friends welcomed her back with evident relief.朋友们欢迎她回来,大家看上去显然松了口气。




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