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例句 A specialist in ergonomics will work with the team designing the production line in our new factory.一位工效学专家将与这个团队一起工作来设计我们新工厂的生产线。I thought we might call in on your mother on our way - I've got some magazines for her.我觉得我们可以顺道看看你母亲——我有几本杂志要给她。We laughed so much that our sides hurt.我们笑得身体两侧疼。Our complete range of carpets is on display in our showroom.我们全系列的地毯都陈列在展示厅。Will there still be a sufficiency of resources for our great-grandchildren?还会有足够的资源留给我们的子孙吗?I'm only doing this because of our long-standing friendship.我念及我们长期的友情才这样做的。Our school gave a reception to our new principal.我们学校为新校长举行了欢迎会。Our superior technology is the ace up our sleeve.我们的高超技术就是我们制胜的秘密法宝。Technology permeates the whole of our lives.科技深入我们生活的每个方面。I'll keep a day free next week for our meeting.我下周将为我们的会面留出一天时间。I was heartbroken when our dog died but I was determined not to be soppy about it.我们的狗死了我的心也碎了,但我决心不让自己对此事过于感伤。We're hoping that they'll eventually come round to accepting our offer.我们希望他们最终会接受我们的提议。The well-being of our families was at stake.我们家的幸福岌岌可危。We don't have to make a final decision till next week, so time is on our side.下星期之前我们不必作出最后的决定,因此我们有充裕的时间。The waiter screwed up our order.侍者弄错了我们点的菜。Her late arrival messed up our plans.她的迟到打乱了我们的计划。He was worried sick about what our mothers would say.对于我们双方的母亲会说什么他十分担心。Stand by for our Christmas competition.准备好参加我们的圣诞比赛。We aren't prepared at this moment to say what our plans are.我们现在还没准备透露我们的计划。We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight.我们只是想把整个下午的情形搞清楚。The difference in our ages was immaterial.我们的年龄差距并不重要。Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.我们打着教育的旗号,驱赶孩子在芭蕾舞和篮球之间来回奔波。The park is only a short step away from our house.公园离我们家不远。Our trip to the museum was the high point of our vacation.参观博物馆是我们此次假期最美妙的时光。We don't use any artificial flavourings in our products.我们的产品不使用任何人工调味剂。We anticipate our overall farm production next year to be lower.我们预计明年的农业总产量会降低。We're looking for someone to replace our managing director.我们正在找人接替我们的总经理。What's that dog doing out there in our yard?那只狗在我们的院子里干什么?The theatre bar was our usual meeting place.剧院酒吧是我们见面的老地方。We're being very short-sighted in not exploiting our own coal.我们一直目光短浅,没有开发自己的煤矿。We'll soon get him round to our point of view.我们会很快说服他接受我们观点的。Patty's ex-boyfriend is ruining our relationship.帕蒂的前男友在破坏我们的关系。The cause is worthy of our continued support.这一事业值得我们继续不断的支持。The exotic plant in our living room is a conversation piece that guests always ask about.我们客厅里那株具有异域风情的植物是客人们总要问及的话题。A perusal of the letters which we have published has satisfied him of the reality of our claim.读了我们的公开信后,他终于相信我们的要求的确是真的。We rented our friends' cottage for the month of August.我们八月份租用了朋友的乡间别墅。Ioften walk the dog in the woods behind our house.我常常在我们房子后面的树林里遛狗。We can't have our night out tonight.今晚我们不能出去。We're targeting our efforts at making our website appealing to younger people.我们正致力于使网站能吸引年轻人。On all of our scenarios winter precipitation increases substantially.从各种情况看,冬季的降水量有显著增加。




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