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词汇 orientation
例句 The department has arranged an orientation session.这个部门安排了一次岗前培训。A child's sexual orientation is determined before s/he enters school.孩子在入学前他或她的性倾向已确定了。The meeting is open to everyone, whatever their political or religious orientation.这个会议人人都可以参加,不论其政治或宗教倾向如何。The organization has a decidedly conservative orientation.那个团体有明显的保守派取向。He was unhappy with the commercial orientation of the organization.他对该组织的商业目的很不满意。The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.公司需要针对其产品的营销订立一个更为明确的目标。He'd been told at orientation that the last typhoon had caved in the dikes and swept away the agricultural project.他在情况介绍班上得知,上一次的台风曾使堤岸坍塌并摧毁了农业工程。Farnese had the orientation of the church changed so that the front would face a square.法尔内塞把教堂的东西轴向改成了面对广场。To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer.对于一个迷失了方向的社会,他能做的有很多。The purpose of the orientation is to induct the new students into the university.新生训练的目的就是要引导新的学生进入大学。The movement is liberal and social-democratic in orientation.这一运动的定位是自由和社会民主。The movement is liberal and social democratic in orientation.这一运动以自由和社会民主为目标。Market orientation emphasizes the needs of the customer.市场定位强调顾客的需要。New employees receive two days of orientation.新雇员用两天时间听取介绍,熟悉情况。Human societies, whatever their religious orientation, are based on the necessity of moral virtue.人类社会,不论其宗教倾向如何,都是建立在必要的伦理德性要求之上的。He makes no secret of his orientation.他并不隐瞒自己的性取向。The party has a broadly socialist orientation.该政党大体上是倾向社会主义的。The weekend before the semester begins is the freshman orientation period. 开学前的周末是大一新生熟悉校园环境的时间。Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.以性取向为理由的歧视仍然太普遍了。Prejudice is manifestly a value-orientation.偏见显然是一种价值倾向性。Because of the building's orientation the garden gets very little sun.因为房屋的朝向问题,花园里没什么阳光。Suddenly I was cartwheeling down the slope, all orientation gone.突然,我骨碌碌地滚下坡,完全晕头转向了。Her later works were more introspective in orientation.她后来的作品更具自省的特质。The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使徒步旅行者迷失方向。They had to adjust the antenna's orientation in order to receive a clear signal.他们必须调整天线方向以便接收清晰的信号。There's an orientation day for new students.有一个迎新日让新生熟悉情况。New students need to go through a short orientation before they begin classes.新生开课前需要参加短期的入学教育。Everyone will be treated equally, regardless of sexual orientation.不论性倾向如何,每个人都会被平等对待。This is orientation week for all the new students.这是让全体新生熟悉情况的迎新周。These materials are used for the orientation of new employees.这些材料是给新员工培训用的。The valley has a north-south orientation. 山谷呈南北走向。Suddenly I was cartwheeling down the slope, all orientation gone.突然我侧身滚下山坡,完全失去了方向感。His sexual orientation has never been a problem for him at work.他的性取向对他的工作从来都不是问题。They give their new employees a day or two of perfunctory orientation.他们对新员工进行一两天例行公事的培训。




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